Chapter 11: Why?

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I opened my eyes to the usual morning Sun but it was no longer gentle as i always Knew it, a small beam hit my eye, but it now stung and burned making my eyes shut suddenly trying to avoid this deadly solar "Kagome?" a loud voice called me but fermiller none the Less. I must Open my eyes to see this gentle but loud voice "KAGOME!" it made me jump, i shot up holding where my ears would usally be but they where not there, it was like holding my head and not the lumps or oval shaped ears "WHAT!!" i shouted back in confustion and anger, when my eyes focused there in the door way, was inuyasha, he didn't shout not at all, the loud ear piercing sound was gentle "Calm down, calm kagome" he seemed to approach me with such caution, like i had the potential to hurt him

His voice still seemed so loud though, although he was so far away it sounded like his lips where to my ears "Inuyahsa whats going on" he cooed me with his lips and placed his palms down, he still seemed cautious of me, did i look scary, was there something wrong with me "do you rememeber anything?" i closed my eyes again which i enjoyed so much as the it blocked them from this bright sun.

In a flash i saw everything and felt the pain of burning once more. My eyes flashed opend grabbing the sheets around me only to feel stuffing and ripped fabric beneath me "INUYAHSA!!" i shouted as the memory still flooded my mind. the coution left him, he ran over to me to hold my sholders and place my head into his chest. i grabbed his kimono as flash's of horror filled me. i heard him wince and i smelt iron and felt the warm luiqid, i looked at my hands that had inuyahsa blood dripping from them and where the blood sat was five perfectly long and sharp claws that where a fluffy red from the bedding and blood.

What had happened to me?? my hands look.....Monsterus "Inuyasha?" i asked trying to hold back screams, was this a bad dream "Kagome i....i had to awken your hanyo power... to save you " my body shook but out of surprise, i rememeber now, i drunk his blood, i became full mates with inuyasha..... he saved me from death!! but did he save Our baby??

                    INUYASHA'S POV...........................................................................................

her cute black ears with white tips folded down, i wanted to hug her but i knew she needed this moment to adjust, She stared at her hands for what seemed like forever, why didnt she answer me. all in wanted was to hold her, tell her everything that was in my heart just to comfort "Inuyahsa, please?" i was confused by her words but then then i saw her hand fall to her adomene, what could i tell her? Kyede was still unsure if she was pregnant or not and neither could her farther as her new scent was overwhelming of demon.

she was sure powerful for hanyo, i could tell that just from her new aura, surprinsly her miko Powers had infused itself with her demon but we where still unsure if she could use it physical powers or woul the demon desroy that?

             Kagome's POV..................................................................................................................

where was my baby? was it okay? did it survive through such an ordeal? Oh Please to any god, any higher being let it still lay within me. panic rose within me when my adomen was rather soft then firmness it was before "Please tell me its okay" i begged him, little tear drops fell down face, yes it scared me to be a mother at my age, hell i would give birth to something more difficult then a human child, this one would have small claws and dont get me on the teething. but i had become used to such a thought and infact it excited me, with inuyasha around i would be protected and loved and so would the little one. his head fell from my gaze "Kagome......" I didnt let him finish, I couldent here it. i didnt want to belive it. i couldent of lost it.

"KAGOME!!!" i heard the loud deep voice of the one man who i thought would of left but he was here, i stopped slidding across the grass not relizing i must have been running very fast to have stopped with a slide "Father?" I said softly, he embraced me hard holding my head to his chest, he fell to the ground with me my new strong legs gave way with dispear.

"Oh my dear sweet Kagome" why was this new found sound streath i as meant to have not working, i was meant to be strong in both mind and body being a demon (Well half) but my feeling just overided me causeing my tears fall hard into my fathers large white Kimino "Why?? I dodnt want to lose it farther, i should of die....." my farther hugged me so tight almost sqeezing the air from my chest as to stop me from talking "Kagome dont say such things, both of us would rather you lived, so dont say such things" when he said 'us' he meant inuyasha to didnt he? had thouse two finally made emense.

he let go of me, my head hung lightly rubbing my ademon, i felt his gaze on me "Kagome promise me something" i look to him to see what was meant to be a big scary demon with a heart cold as ice with a face of secirety and pure concern that warmed my heart "What is it?" he smiled and stroked my face "Smile for me always okay? even for inuyahsa, we want kagome so never lose your best qauility" a smile crept to me, he was right, inuaysha must feel horrible as well so i cant let him blame himself, i had to keep smiling "Thats my girl" he said lightly tapping my nose.  

I had to see inuyahsa, tell him i was sorry, it wasnt his fault, he saved my life and did only the best. I hugged my dad and widley smiled to say i was fine and began running back again, i made it with a minute so much quicker than before, wow! i was really fast, how strong was my legs? and i still felt like i could run forever. i opened the door lightly (I seen to many movies to see when someone got streanth and wernt carful they ripped the door off).

"Inuyahsa!!??" i called out, he ran out with a panicked expresstion and i noticed his eyes where rather red and slightly puffy, had he been crying "Inuyahsa?" i ask. his eyes widened and turned around fast hearing his slightly sniff and his arms wiped his face before he ran to me and hugged me tight "Im sorry kagome, i real...." i could hear the lump in his throat. i pulled him away and smiled, kissing him on the cheek "Thank you Inuyahsa" he looked confused for a secound. i smiled wide "dont blame yourself please inuyasha, I love you" he leaned in and kissed me. i could tast the light saltness of his tears as they fell with our kiss.

I loved him so, with him around i could always smile. now i could live with him forever............................................................

To be Continued............................................

Hope you enjpyed that Guys, Dw i know this was a bit of a sad one but things will work out for the best ;) xx Love you Guys ^_^ Please comment and share so that I may improve :) Caz out... for now ;) lol :P

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