Chapter 8: A Bed Time Story For His Sick little girl

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Inuyasha's POV........................................................................................

How could I let her past me, why wasn't I more careful? I had been running now for what seemed like an eternity following her sent that I was able to could pick up "Inuyahsa!!" I looked up to the voice I knew well "Hop On!!" she called down from the cat demon she rode on and the monk behind her holding her hip. For a moment I was surprised she let him so close to where his hand had a tendency for having a so called mind of its own.

"Thank you songo" she nodded before heeding Kiylala to go as fast as she could. Where are you Kagome? Why did that demon take your from me? And the question that was bigger than all... why couldn't I protect you better?

Kagome's POV...........................................................................................................

I was stunned once more at the news, like when I was told I was with child now a demon insinuating he was my father. How could this be?

"Kagome, please answer me"

How could I answer, I had no question, no words to explain how stunned I was because I knew it wasn't a lie. Because I saw features in him I saw when I looked into a reflective surface. He shared none with Sota who I knew for a fact was the son of the diseased farther I thought was my own. But in another way how could of he met my mother? Could she jump here to?.


He placed his hands on me and just like that I snapped, all that I would keep down inside to stop any danger or angering such a powerful demon was pushed aside.

"HOW?? How could you be my farther?" I flinched at myself when he stepped back almost saddened and then he breathed in deep as if to calm himself.

"I was in a battle with another dog demon that injured me in battle, I had no choice but to run or I would have died"

"But you are powerful?"

"I was young and foolish, still learning combat"

"But how did you meet my mother when she herself is not of this era or time?"

" because I found a passage to the future, a cursed well that glowed, I jumped in to investigate but once I did, the light disappeared to reveal darkness, the sky was back or what I thought was sky and in that darkness was the shadow of a young girl........ Your mother, calling to me, such a sweet voice "

"What did she do?"....................................................................................

"She cared for me, used weird medical equipment on my wounds healing them faster than anything here, she told what year I was in and why the buildings where so foreign to me. After spending so much time with her I soon realised I was falling for her"

"And then what?" he smiled knowing how intrigued I was becoming.

"Well she found out she was pregnant with you, when I found out I was going to farther I was so happy forgetting completely about my demonic genes, she was happy to, see you mum always wanted kids but I could tell she was scared to"

"Why scared?" in a way I knew why but in another because I was happy to but I was so afraid to,about inuyasha, my own cc well-being as well as the child's.

"Well she knew what I was, I had told her of hanyo's that where ridiculed for their breeding and in the world you where in, you would be made a.... oh what was that modern word you mother used?"

He pouted as he spoke, trying to remember such words, I could tell now he had been in the modern era as he spoke very modern in some ways. But I knew the word he was looking for.


"Ah yes freak, but that was the only thing that scared her other than that she truly loved you from the moment she found out, when you where born and in your mother's arms, me and your mom was so happy. you had no signs of a demon, you looked completely human and I wondered if you had inherited my demonic powers at all but I sensed a miko spirit within you. my theory was that that spirit counteracted or pured the demon inside. I stayed for a year after that, i held you and briefly knew you but......."

But he left didn't he? because i would know who him otherwise.

"I had come to know a few modern people and made friends, one of them was the man I left you and your mother with but the mate Mark told me she was sad and always in great pain and grief, I even knew she had another child with that man but I never hated her, not even for a second because I wanted her to be happy"

"but why did you leave?"

"kagome.....the reason I left is so you never knew what your truly was, you could live happily in the world you was meant to be in and I was needed here, I had to regain my title to or I would come back to my clan with everything destroyed, and unfortunately I did come back to find my clan wiped out, But I missed you and your mother everyday and now look at you all grown up"

he smiled as if he was a proud farther, i smiled back.

"so this inuyasha, your mate huh?"

I nodded

He hummed pondering in thought. I was believing this and what he told me seemed rather believable. "you know I can't completely trust you right?" he smiled "I wouldn't expect complete trust but I promise you I am telling the truth.

"then what was with you controlling me" he giggled with guilt "I'm sorry kagome, i knew with your protective mate and your relationship with most demons, i had no choice"

I rolled my tongue clicking it "no you could of told me there other than lieing" he bowed his head "like I said I am truly sorry"  

I began to feel sick again and it was rather strong this time, giving me no warning, this time the convulsion throwing me forward onto the ground "Sorry" i said as i wiped my lips. he stood still where he was "no its okay, but this seems like a pretty bad sickness?" i nodded "yea well when you fight corrupted demons and protect a village I'm not that surprised im like this" either i was getting really good at lieing or the poeple around me agreed to stop any further confliction.

"Kagome may i have your hand?" my brows caved at his random reqeust "why?" he blinked slowly and slowly lifted my hand infront of me, i body respoded with a crinch as his clew pricked my finger, he licked the blood from upon my finger "Wha.....what are you doing?" he exhaled not answering my question and then he sighed and looked to the floor.

"Just as i thought" and before i could feel confustion he pulled my head into his chest and stroked my hair "i knew that you where lieing to me" and then he pleased his large hand on my stomach "funny how i become a granfarther before i can be a farther....... so young.... Just like your mother was".

my head fell down in guilt, sadness, disgrace. he was correct i was young only seventeen. he stroked my face "you can rest if you like" he took of the top his kimno like inuaysha did for when i was cold "now lay down, and sleep" as he stroked my hair and cheek repeatly with the soft ground beaneth me, it was not long till my eyes gave in to the waight and fell into a restful slumber, mabye i was safe with him, inuaysha im fine really but i do miss you, i want totell you so bad. please come soon.    


Well i hope you enjoyed that one my lovelies, ;) xx  I would have dedicated this to two people but wattpad would not allow that but as i have dedicated one already this chapters dedication has been very kinda and reviewed my story as well as say nothing but nice things thatare pushing me forward to write these :) i know i say this everytime but share this on facebook, twitter and spread it around, the more views fans and comments, the more there is to the story.more chappies very soon Guys :) Caz out.... :3  

Children born of both past and future (Inuyasha Fan fic)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon