Chapter 16: "What Had He Seen??"

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Inuyahsa’s POV……………………………………………

Her Lips where so soft against Mine, each movement was a new feeling a new passion, it only reminded me why I loved her so Much. They way she showed so much love and care and asked for nothing back. But as she began to pull back a flash of light and I could see a demon before me, an inu demon, Long black hair, magnifegant  armour and a sword erect and Burn Erupted from within me, a exposition of pulling, ripping and burning blow my stomach I could feel my legs buckling. My back began to seize, what was this pain??.

What was this pain, the flash disappeared but Kagome’s face was becoming blurry like I was dreaming again. The Kiss was interrupted by sounds of pain and my side hitting the wooden floor “Inuyahsa!!?” I wanted to answer her but I felt hot liquid in my throat obstructing any sound “Inuyahsa!!!” she leaned down over me trying to talk to me. Another flash but this time the sounds where distorted and the background was transparent

Im sorry Kagome” Wait I knew that voice “Inuyahsa Please protect he” Kazuai, this was kazuai’s Voice “I guess im not coming back!” “INUYSHA!!!  WAKE UP INUYAHSA….!!!!!!! Please!!” Why could I hear both voices, I had to wake up she was screaming my name over and over, ‘Kagome  Im sorry, but kazuai isn’t coming home…… “Don’t tell her Inuyahsa… keep our secret please Inuyahsa” It was frighting to hear such a strong demon and my mentor no less to beg me of such a thing in his last minutes.

How could I tell her without her knowing his secret, without causing her more pain of loss, she had had enough, she deserved none of this pain. This was all because of me “Protect her Inuyahsa Please!” I will sensei…….I will...Farther”.

Kagome’s POV…………………………………………………………………

He only looked at me with dead eyes open but unfocused…. “INUAYSHA Please!!!” I stroked his cheek hoping he would come back to me, the small one kicked hard, the little one knew something was wrong, it kicked again, I placed one hand and rubbed gently “He’s not gone….Please say he is not gone” and then I smelt it, it was on his breath and his cloths, I looked to his lips to see trickles of blood flowing from them and his shirt soaked in blood “Inuyahsa!” I gasped; there was no presence, no attack what/who could have done this to him. I placed my hand over the wound on his stomach and applied pressure trying to stop any bleeding but found it strange when the area was not warm or wet; it was like it was an illusion. But I could smell it, I could see it, but it wasn’t there, where my hanyo skills failing me, was it just all in my head?

And then in a flash Inuyahsa flew upright and breathed in deep like he had been deprived of oxygen, he panted for a few second then looked at me pulling me in and holding me tight, the baby kicked again but this time it was more gentle “Inuyahsa what happened, you where bleeding” I pushed him off and looked him up and down and the blood had disappeared, even the smell. It must have been an illusion.

He looked at me with tears in his eyes, what was it that upset him so much, I wiped his eyes with my thumb and smiled “Hay you okay?” I smiled again Hoping to cheer him up, make it seem these last 3 minutes didn’t happen. He was fine and I thanked god for that. For moments I thought I had lost Inuyahsa, Lost he one I loved but he was okay. But what had he seen to upset him.

With sudden movements that startled me he threw his arms into me and placed his head into my shoulder. “Im sorry Kagome, Im really sorry kagome…please forgive me”

“What for Inuyahsa, you did nothing wrong”

“Your pain, your loss, it’s all because of me, because your with me…Im sorry”

It scared me when Inuyahsa was like this, I had always known him to be tough and strong, to hide his weaknesses from me, from anyone and now he was sobbing uncontrollable in my arms.


What did he mean he was sorry, what had he seen?

“Kagome Please forgive me”

“Inuyahsa Please tell me”

He then picked his head from my shoulder and turned away from me, I was so confused but I was scared at the same time, something was really wrong.

“You should leave Kagome; you should have never stayed here”

How could he say that, my heart stopped for a second and shot a pain that was unknowing, it was new and indescribable?

“But Inuyahsa!”  

“You should of never of met me!!!!!!!!!!!!”

My body was uncontrollable, my emotions where unstable, I gained strength I thought I would never have with this condition; I ran and pushed him nearly knocking him over.

“How could you say such things Inuyahsa, why Inuyahsa? I stayed because I Love you, I stayed because this was My Home, If I never met you I would not be as happy as I am now”

“Pfft, Happy Kagome!! You think your happy, I see you every day, your sad about your farther, you where sad when you first thought you lost that baby, you cried every day for me and everyone in our battles and you think your happy…..”

“YES!!!!!!!. Yes Inuyahsa!!....” the baby kicked so hard this time it shot more pain through my back making my knees buckle under me.


I held my stomach as he fell down holding me making sure I was fine but I shoved him off me “I love you Inuyahsa why can’t you feel the same wa……..” and then he pushed his lips onto me, kissing me with a passion I had never known, I tried to pull away but he held my back pushing him into me, his tongue entering now but I let him in opening my mouth, our tongues having a war like we were having, more passion erupted, he pulled away breathing as deeply as me and stroked my cheek and tears that had been falling “Of course I love you…Im sorry, Im really sorry” I kissed him again and smiled again shaking of the memory. “I love you Inuyahsa and please remember when im with you im happy for always, forever” He smiled at me and kissed my cheek rubbing my belly “im happy too Kagome with you and with the baby”

As much as this moment warmed my heart, what was it that Inuyahsa saw to make him so Upset???

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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2013 ⏰

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