Day hundred-eleven 31/8/21 Tuesday (Closed)

128 4 52

Leaf fall: 8/10
•Skyclan - starting to cool down during the afternoons thought still warmer during the day,  a 20% chance of snow and light winds.
•Sunclan - temperatures are dropping to high 10's and mid 20's (50's and 60's Fahrenheit)
•Cloudclan - bright and sunny with heat with a light breeze.
•Fractalclan - cooler during the days but still at a comfortable warmth. The wind from Skyclan causes a light breeze here.
•Floodclan - warm still during the day and afternoon but around midnight it stays cool low 10's until the sun starts to rise.
•All - the sun is shining bright and is still comfortably warm in places. Snow is forecasted  for the gathering, everything is more crisp in the mornings thanks to frost. Prey is thinning to at a max of two - three catches per patrol.
Events: none
To do:

Begoniapaw is to be trained.

Amberpaw is to be trained.

Rainpaw is to be trained.

Snailpaw is to be trained.

(Pearcloud's kits)
Day of Persimmonkit and Olivekit's apprentice ceremony.

(Goldenshine's kits)
Two days until Tawnykit, Mumblekit, Spikekit and Shimmerkit's apprentice ceremony.

Six days until Whitesea's kitting.

Seven days until Clearchest's kitting.

Eight days until Redmask's kitting.

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