Chap 10

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A few weeks passed as the new Tang Shin recovered from her injuries. As she had rejoined with her father, she wanted to be closest to him, making up for so much, lost time.

She did spend time with her uncles too.

She got to know her two younger brothers. Leo had told her that he had not forgotten her just because she had some bros now. But she had wanted siblings or cousins when she was younger. Now she had some, but she was way older than them. She could only train seriously with the adults.

Shin tried to forget about her past life, but it wasn't easy. She wanted to train again. But if she didn't explain soon, and they found out from the Foot, her family would learn she had been sent to betray them! It was eating away at her.

If she ended up training, the family would find out that she had learned the ways of the ninja. But she had trained in Karai's teachings. Not theirs. And she could tell that her moves could outflank the turtles' moves.

Finally, she couldn't take it anymore! She had to reveal her real story. She knew it was the right thing to do. After all, her family had done so much for her while she was healing, and the stories they had told from when she was little, they deserved to know the truth. If she had real honor, she would tell.

She had found that her Uncle Don was the easiest to talk too. He knew about the Foot. The women the turtles were married to had never encountered them, but did believe their mates.

Don was busy in his lab when there was a knock. "Uncle Don. It's Tang Shin."

"Come in." Don said.

She opened the door. "I need to talk to someone about what's bothering me. You seem to be the only one that's easiest to talk to, and really listen." Shin said. She came over and grabbed a seat.

Don was listening. "What is it?"

"I have been here for only a few weeks, and I thank you for saving my life. But that's not what is bothering me. I have to tell someone my real secret." She said.

Don's eyes widened a little, but wasn't totally alarmed. "Okay."

"I am one of you now, but it's just the way I was really raised is what is bothering me, Uncle Don. What I told you the first time is all a lie."

"What do you mean?" Don asked.

"I hope you won't hate me, but," Tears welled in her eyes. "The Foot did raise me! I was raised in Japan, and when I came of this age, they sent me to betray you all! But I broke that vow. I won't do it."

Don didn't know what to say at first. His own niece, an assassin!

"How could you even think about doing the Foot's bidding, Tang Shin? They are evil."

"Karai raised me as her student. It's just that when Dad plans to have me start training, you would end up being surprised that I do know how to fight. And I don't want you finding out from them." Shin explained. "I found out that you are more family to me than they ever were. I know now what true honor is. This is part of my honor to my true family to tell the truth."

Don could believe her for telling this to him. She was crying too. He knew this had been killing her. But it was good she was finally telling her true feelings.

"Shin, I know this is hurting you to tell me this. But you are doing the right thing. You know you'll have to tell your father." Don said.

"I know. But I just needed someone to hear me out without getting mad at me. I have never killed before, and I can't do it now." Shin said.

"Shin, the only way to get out of the Foot clan is death. If the Foot knows you have sided with us, they'll try to kill you."

"I know. I was raised to know that. To betray them, is the death penalty! But I can't go back now." She sobbed.

"You aren't going back to them. The Foot already hate us. It's alright if they hate you too. They are the enemy, and they have to be stopped." Don said.

Shin believed him. But would the rest the family believe her? Raph wasn't so easy going. Her dad, Leo, he was, but not as the way Don was. Mikey, he knew what dangerous was.

Shin wanted to calm down, and wait a few days longer before telling. But she was glad that she had one of her uncles on her side. He would back her up if it got too hard to tell them.


A few days later, when she had gathered her courage to tell her real story, just as the turtles had told her their true story, Don and her began telling her uncles and father that they needed to talk.

Shin reluctantly began what she had told Don first, because she knew that he had taken it easiest. She told them who had raised her really. She didn't like the looks that her dad and Uncle Raph were giving her.

"I'm sorry I lied about the Foot, but they had told me you were the enemy. Because I wasn't a human, you would welcome me a lot more, and I found out that you did. Yes, I know the Foot's secrets and now yours, but after getting to know everyone here, especially after all these years Daddy, I can't do what the Foot wants me to do. I have kept my blood innocence as some have called it. I have never killed anything in my life, not even an animal." Shin explained.

She saw her father was giving her a not so pleasant look. "Please Dad. Don't kick me out. I am not the killer they want me to be. I had to put on an act all these years just to please them. I have your honor. I had to tell because I know you were wanting to train me yourself, and if you found out I had had ninja training before, you would have wanted to know who had trained me. Karai did."

"So, the Shredder and Karai raised you to be a killer?" Raph spoke up.

"They wanted me to be, yes. I'm sorry. You can see why I was hesitant to reveal this." Shin said.

Leo sighed and calmed down. He was upset that his daughter had to be raised by those monsters. "Shin, Honey, I am disturbed that you had to keep this from me, but I am proud of you for telling us. That way we wouldn't find out the hard way."

Shin was standing by Don at the moment, in case her dad would have blown his temper, but she was even more happier now, that he hadn't. "Believe me, Daddy. I'm sorry."

"I know. You were so young when they took you. You couldn't have known. They raised you, and you thought they were your so-called family. But now, you know the truth." Leo said.

Shin looked at Don. He gave a nod, and she walked over to hug her dad. "I love you, Dad." She said.

"I love you, too." Leo said. He really did have his daughter back, despite how she was raised.

But, Leo did want to see how good she was trained. With her being trained by Karai, perhaps they could learn some of her moves, so Karai wouldn't have the drop on them so easily anymore.


The next day, Shin was allowed to train while everyone else watched. Leo sparred with his daughter.

"What is your weapon?" Leo asked.

"The katana." Shin replied.

"The same as mine and Karai."

Leo gave her a sword, and saw how well she could use it. They clashed swords, battled hand to hand, and such.

Shin, being younger, shot fast moves, and moved like Karai. But now, she would also be trained in the ways of the turtles.

Leo had learned ways of the Ancient One and Ninja Tribunal. He would be teaching her their moves too.

She learned quickly. And just like her dad, she was devoted to the ninja arts. She even trained with her step-mom and aunts. And her uncles.

Shin called her step-mom Tamaki. Karai had been her 'mom', but Tamaki was an even better one. She was still shy about wanting to call Tamaki, Mom.

Shin would help her dad teach the younger ones the ninja arts. And even though she was learning new things, she had yet to have a showdown with her enemies, the ones that had raised her, the Foot. After learning from her true family of what they had done, she knew she didn't want to be Foot.

And also now that she had been established as a ninja, for telling about her true past, and showing that she wasn't a true Foot, a new mask was given to her. The color she had when she was little: White.

Tang Shin Growing UpWhere stories live. Discover now