Chap 3

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When the turtles got home, Splinter ran up to them, desperate. "My sons, have you seen Tang Shin?"

"I thought she was with you." Leo said.

"She has always been in her room when I watch my soaps. I came to check on her, and she wasn't in her room, Leonardo! I have looked all over the place!" The rat was in a really scared way.

Leo's eyes widened. His daughter, gone? No! What if someone got their hands on her?

That sparked an ignition in all the turtles. They began to search the lair to make sure she wasn't just hiding. Then they ran out, searching the sewers, and April and Casey's. No one had seen her since before the patrol.

Leo knew that she wanted to go with him, but this was going too far. He had never needed to punish her before, but if he ever found her, she wouldn't be leaving the lair for some time.


Tang Shin, now Hanoe Lin to the Foot, was now on an airplane with Karai. She had been placed in a cage, so she wouldn't get away. The cage was securely strapped in place, so it wouldn't go anywhere.

Karai was probably better suited to raise the little turtle than Shredder, though he had raised her. The woman would make the young turtle see the grown turtles and her own father as her enemies.

Karai wouldn't let her die, but she would do whatever it took to make the young female turtle to see things her father's way, or else!

Hanoe was being taken to Japan to be raised, so there would be no interference from the turtles there.


The turtles, Splinter, and their allies went on a searching spree to find Leo's daughter. Leo was all wrapped up in a bad temper right now to listen to reason. He attacked any bad human in sight. But right now, he suspected the Foot most of all. If she had followed them up topside, they could have gotten her easily. And they had wanted her so long ago.

All of the turtles' allies knew of Leo's little girl by now. But none of them knew she was going to be going by a new name for a long time. Or knew where she was and being taken.

Tang Shin Growing UpOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant