Chap 9

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Hanoe Lin slept until the next morning. She did feel a little better, but she still felt pain in her injuries. She didn't see anyone around when she woke up, but she could hear some voices shouting. She slowly got up to go find out where it was coming from.

Her sprained ankle screamed at her, but she had to go see. She had toughened herself against pain a long time ago. She had to. She limped to where her ears led her: the dojo.

In the room, she saw some of the little turtle-humans training. The ones that were five were the ones just starting out. As she watched, Hanoe remembered a little bit of her early training. She watched to see who was the sensei.

After the session, the one in the blue mask, Leonardo? stepped forward. "You have done well. You can relax now." He said. The ones who had been training were Heidi and Patty. Don and Mikey's. Most of the others were still too young to train yet.

Hanoe continued to watch in the shadows. She just wanted to see what their lives were like before she did any asking about. But also finding about how they trained would be good findings for the Foot.

But when Leo told Don and Rita to step forward to train, there was something about his voice that seemed familiar to her.

She continued to watch for some time, before her ankle couldn't take the weight anymore. She fell over and screamed. That made everyone stop what they were doing.

"Well, look who woke up?" Raph said.

She looked up at him, a bit scared. Just the sound of his voice scared her. "I wasn't spying. I just came to find you, and your voices led me in here." She exclaimed in a hurry.

"That's ok. How are you feeling?" Don came over.

"My ankle hurts. Everything still hurts, but I feel fine, otherwise." Hanoe said.

"Need a hand up?" Leo said. He was trying to be nice.

Hanoe looked up at the leader in surprise. "Sure." She took his hand up, and the instant she felt his, something felt different, good even.

Tamaki was even watching her. She did look like her husband.

Leo now also had a chance to look at her eye color. It was the same as his! Could this be Tang Shin?

Don gave his staff to Hanoe to help support her weight better. He could always use another one. "Thanks uh, Donatello?"

Don nodded. "I want to check your injuries."

"You are the doctor, right?" She asked.

"Mostly yes." Don said.

"Donny's our smart turtle." Mikey added the complimentary. "He can fix just about anything."

"Really?" Hanoe said.

"Yep. At least, almost anything." Leo said.

His voice again. Why did it seem familiar even after these years?

Hanoe was taken back to the lab, and Don examined her injuries. The ankle would do better if some ice was applied to it. And it was supported.

Leo wanted to talk to her alone after everything was done.

"What do you want to talk about?" Hanoe asked.

"I get this feeling that you are familiar to me, Hanoe. You sure you know your real history?" Leo asked.

"You seem almost familiar to me too. I feel like I know you." Hanoe said.

"It's just that you look a lot like me." Leo said.

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