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Crow's POV
A bath? Her continued joking made him smile very faintly, but he was afraid to do anymore since it would move his face. "I thought bug repellent would be a desired trait?" He quipped back, but then tried to get himself upright a bit better. Finding his feet would be difficult, yet he tried anyways. The weakness of his body was frustrating, but somehow he managed to stay up, though his legs wobbled from the strain. "I..... think I'm good. If you'll lead the way?" He asked

Enya's POV
Shaking her head she picked up a pan of warming water from the fire pit. "Actually all you have to do is put you right hand out and brace up on the tree beside you. I have a pan of warm water ready to go for you." She announced pouring the water into a doe skin bag that was already filled with warmed water. Once it was filled up she moved his blanket out of the way so it wouldn't get wet. "How are you with shyness?" She asks him knowing it would be very difficult for him to bathe alone. Since he was unfamiliar with his surroundings and the fact he couldn't see. Already she noticed that a bit of swelling was going down.

Crow's POV
A tree? He had never been so grateful as he felt when he reached out and felt the bark against his palm. It helped to steady him, the wobbling feel not so bad. "Warm water sounds nice. I thought I'd be pushed off in a cold creek." Though it was said in a joking manner, Crow was actually serious. Kindness clearly wasn't shown to him very often. "I'm guess I'm not too shy." He replied. "I have a dick, the same as any other male." Crow would probably be somewhat shy if he could actually see her looking at him. But since he couldn't, he figured he could handle it better. "Not like these clothes are hiding much anyways."

Enya's POV
"Mhm a cold creek might be fun if you prefer that route." She chuckled using her knife she cut the few remaining scraps of clothing from his body. She didn't pay attention to his nakedness. Only looked to see the bruises that littered his malnourished body. She wanted to make sure that he didn't have any more open wounds and only saw the scratches from the thorns. Taking a doeskin wash cloth she opened up the bag and let it gently shower his body as she cleaned him up. Making sure not to get his face wet and wash off the medicine that was still fresh. Once he was cleaned up and looking much better than before she pulled a shirt over his head gently. Next she helped him pull on a pair of pants and tied it to his waste. "There you go Crow do you want to sit down by the fire or rest?" Knowing that he would need to be guided to either place but let him make the decision on the matter.

Crow's POV
The metallic scent of the knife made him nervous, but he never felt the blade touch his flesh. The warm water felt good to his skin though, helping to rid the irritations and discomforts of just being dirty. And having clothes on his body, Crow didn't know he could feel so grateful. "I rested pretty well last night. I would prefer to sit by the fire." He replied, though hoped it wasn't too far away. With her help, he was able to make it over and sit down by the warm flames. It wasn't too pleasant against his face, so he turned to face his back towards the warmth and sighed in relief as it helped to chase away the chill from his bones.

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