Camp day 3

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Part 7

Hiros perspective

The next morning came by to quickly. I look around at my surroundings. Tyler is of course huddled against me, clinging to my waist, but Zack is squeezing my arm. And how did Parker get to the other side? His foot is literally on my face. I sigh in disgust as I contemplate wether or not I should move it. I really didn't want to touch it any more than I already was.

"Ayy everyone get your asses up now let's move." Diane pokes her head through the tent, interrupting my thoughts.

"Hmm I'm awake" Zack groans, rubbing his eyes open, "huh why is Parker's foot on your face Hiro?" "You're asking me?" I say, attempting to move away from Parker. It wasn't really working. "Ayy get up" Zack says, slapping Parker's forehead to wake him up.

"Hmm, get off I want to sleep" Parker groans, glaring at me. I stared back at him until he said "The hell are you doing cuddling my foot, nasty ass" "Wha- no! You put your body into that position last night not me! And your foot is gross!" I defend myself. It was his fault that his foot is right by my face. "Jesus get away from the perverted foot lover!" Parker exclaims, pulling his foot away.

"Man yall are loud" Tyler complains, releasing his grasp of me, now sitting up. "Alright let's go, we are all up now" Zack says. We all hurriedly get up and go outside of the tent.

"Finally all of you are awake now we must move now pack the things and let's roll" Diane said, arms crossed across her chest. It seems like she's been waiting for a while now. "Why now though, it doesn't seem ohhhh" Parker says, starting to smell the air. "the clouds," he sniffs some more, "yup it's going to rain in approximately 10 minutes"

"You can get all that from smelling?" Tyler questions, raising an eyebrow at him. "Of course my nose is better than any other human, even more so like a wild animal" Parker replies proudly, elbowing me in the side. "Hey!" I say taking a step away from him, "Don't do that!" "And why not?" Parker smirks as he elbows further in my side. What is up with him today?

"Hey come on guys let's go" Zack says, thankfully distracting Parker. "You've already got the tent all ready?" Tyler says, sounding surprised. "Duhh it's what happens when you move quickly and not talk, let's get goin before the rain starts" Zack picks up a bag, now filled with the tent that was just previously set up.

"Crystal, Bryce let's go, and you need to get your cooking stuff up and going, Bryce" Diane says, ushering them down the trail. "Ahh shit yea I'll hurry" Bryce picks up his pace, laughing. "I don't have to do much. I got my things ready and my eyes on the boys" Crystal says excitedly, pacing beside Diane. "Calm your tits Crystal, we still have to take our own tent down" Diane takes the stakes out from the ground, handing the tent to Crystal to fold up and stick it in the bag. "Hmph making me work when I wanted to just watch so mean" Crystal groans, finally zipping up the bag. "Ehh your fine" Diane sighs.

We all quickly get our things together and hurry on down the trail, hoping we'll get back before it starts raining. "It's changed, going to rain in 5 minutes. It looks like it's coming quicker" Parker says, smelling the air. "Noo rain, I might get sick" I complain. I really don't want to get a runny nose. "We better hurry. Damn the outdoors. Why do you have to be so damn bad" Tyler complains, agreeing with my thoughts. "Well we just have to hurry, besides if we get a little wet it'll be fine" Zack says. Easy for him to say, he's used to being outside all the time.

"I don't want to get all that wet though, especially rain water" I complain. "Well if you keep complaining then you'll definitely get wet." Parker says, nudging me forward to walk faster. Like I can walk any faster, I'd end up tripping over my own two feet. "Hurry it's coming fast" Parker says. All of a sudden a flash of lightning strikes across the dark morning sky, sending a loud booming sound ahead. Sounds of water pouring down hard can be heard from all around. ".....And it's here, we were to slow" Parker shakes his head in disappointment.

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