Almost caught

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Hiros perspective
I wake to the morning sun shining through the window curtains. Glancing around I notice I am not in my room. I remind myself of what happened last night. We fucked.

We fucked twice last night, well, technically three times, if you count the amount of times I cummed. My hole still hurt even after a night of resting.

I gasp aloud as I notice something. Because of the position Tyler and I are in, undressed his dick is practically nuzzled up on me.He's got morning wood.

I resisted doing anything sexual and instead get ready for the day."Hey, morning" Tyler says waking up beside me. "Hey" "Fun time last night huh" "Yea it was I can barley even sit" I reply."Your are the one that begged me, plus you'll get used to the feeling. I see us doing this more often when our parents are away" Tyler gets up off the bed, and walks over to his closet picking out a dark blue hoodie and some jeans."Yea but they're coming back home in a couple of minutes, so we can't do anything for a while." I say, letting the sound of disappointment slip through my throat.

"I know, it sucks. I won't be able to feel your ass and hear your moaning for a little while"As we finish getting dressed, a few moments later I hear my mom shout out from the entryway, "Hey my babies, y'all act good while we were away?

The place isn't a mess so I'm sure it's all good."Dad then pipes in after mom is done talking and says "Sup sports, no parties I hope huh?" "No we were good" I manage to say trying to hide my nervousness, especially from the pain I am having to deal with at the very moment."Yes we were both very good with each other's company" Tyler said, telling somewhat of the truth.

"Well I'm glad you both were good to each other, come on we must tell you about our trip" "Oh come on they don't want to hear all that" Dad said cutting off mom, who in turn gave him a devilish look. "No we both would like to if you want to tell us" Tyler said. "See I told you, now come on, let's sit." Mom said beckoning on Tyler and I to sit down with her at the hitches table. "Oww!" I yelp out as I sit down in one of the chairs. "Huh what's a matter sport?" Dad asks.

Shit I can't let them know what happened.God dammit how am I going to lie about this? I'm a terrible lier. "Oh well he just tripped and fell on his butt really hard that's why he can't exactly sit well" Tyler lied to them so quickly."Oh poor dear, hope your poor butt feels better. How did you even hurt yourself that badly?" Mom asks me.

"Oh I saw, he was just on his phone wasn't paying attention." Tyler piped up so I didn't have to.He knows how bad of a liar I am. "You and your damn phone, going to be the end of you Hiro" I just sigh and shake my head as dad lectures me about my phone. If only he knew, then he would shut his ass up real quick. "No it's not"

"Tyler, if he hurts himself again from the phone beat him for me, so he'll learn not to."

"Oh will do I'll make sure he knows not to miss behave"I find myself staring at Tyler knowing he meant more that just what their parents were thinking, Tyler gazes hungrily back at me.

Tylers perspective

The day goes on as any regular day, of course as any regular day when just the night before you railed the fuck out of your step brother. Well at least I can tell that Hiro is feeling a little bit better, at least he can sit. Before long my parents will have to go back to work, their job is really important to them. Yeah I'm surprised they don't suspect anything after the terrible liar Hiro is."Ok we're heading out now we'll be back later on, so y'all will have the house to your selves."

Mom exits the door, walking outside. "Ok love you, bye" I close the door behind them."We're back alone again" I smirk, hopping he'll get the idea of what I'm wanting."Yea I guess we are huh""How's your hole feeling? Any better?" "Yea it's better, I can sit normally now""You need to know how to lie better, you could have ruined us both, you know how mad they would be knowing we were both fucking each other"

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