Camping day 1

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Tyler's Perspective

"Boys y'all are going to go to a summer camp!" "What really a summer camp?" Hiro and I both ask. "Yes an all boys summer camp, the name of it is called Pali summer camp" Dad replies "You are sending us to a camp ground for the summer, but for how long?" Hiro asks. "Well we plan it to be all summer really, and of course you will be back here for at least a week before the new school year starts again." said mom. "What really, that long? Will we be bringing our phones" I ask kind of excited. "No it's a no phone camp you won't be able to have any electronic devices and you'll be wearing the camps uniforms as it says"

Dad laughs as my excitement goes down. "Uhhh that doesn't sound fun at all, hard school time then summer camp without devices" Hiro complains. "Well you have no choice you will be going, no crying about it" mom replies back sternly. "It'll be good for the both of you to go. It's nice and fun there. That's what the website says at least" Dad pipes in. "I don't know" I say. "Well you'll have to, we already paid for it now go on. Once school ends for summer you'll be going" I can tell that Hiro is not happy at all about this camp, he doesn't like the outdoors. Me on the other hand I think it'll be fun. I mean it's an all boys camp plus there's going to be a lot of people. I wonder what will happen.

School ends and we are now in the car heading to Pali Summer Camp."God, I can't believe we are actually going. I had to tell maddie I won't be able to chat with her" "Ehh well to bad, at least we will be together" "Yea I guess so, and with other boys" "Yea it'll be different" "Ohhh u guys will enjoy yourselves there, I'm sure you'll make new friends. I hope so" mom said joining in on the conversation. "Yes I hope so and maybe even when coming back you'll get another surprise huh." Dad says joining in as well. Mom and dad exchange glances. "Another huh, can't wait I guess" Hiro says. "Oh calm down it's only camp, nothing bad will happen, you won't die." said mom. "I might as well have" As mom was going to say something else, we all noticed we have arrived. "Alright you boys have fun, just go in there and the people there will do the rest. Ok?" Mom says.

"Alright bye then" I say. "Bye mom" Hiro says "Bye love y'all" She replies. "So here we are, Camp Pali" I say to Hiro as we walk away from the car. "Yea guess so" "So we go where exactly, this place is huge" "I'm not sure where to go, mom just said to walk on in so..." "Hello I take it you two are the new guys?" Some guy who looks to be in charge says. "Yes we are the new guys" both Hiro and I say together. "Wonderful I'm Zack, I am one of the camp members here, but like an assistant with the head masters of the camp"  "Oh really, so what do we do?" I ask. "Well the thing is, me another boy and you two will be staying in the same cabin, which is over there. I say you go there get changed, and then go to the mess hall, which is right there. I will meet you there. Zack explained. "If you say so man. By the way, I'm tyler and this is Hiro" "Great to meet you both" Zack says as he walks forwards the mess hall. "Zack is something, he seems very organized and this other boy, what will he be like." I wonder aloud "Yes I'm thinking the same thing"

"Wow this cabin isn't to bad kinda, it's hot in here tho" I say "Yea it's not so bad at all, so now we change then into the uniforms" Hiro replied. "Yea guess so, to the uniforms" "This is ours huh" "Yea guess so, so dorky you saw what the uniform was on Zack odd" "Yea it's built for heat short shorts and a simple shirt" "Guess so let's get changed then" Man I have to wear these cloths. Shit this will feel so weird.

Hmm Hiros ass, damn. I haven't tapped that in a while. Him walking in those shorts I'll have to contain myself. Gahh this is going to be one hell of a summer. Damn cloths. "Man these are tight, but we both are changed so let's go to the mess hall then" Hiro says interrupting my thoughts. "Yea let's go, god it's hard to move guess we have to get used to it then" Jeez this is fun already.

Hiro's perspective

We finally get to the mess hall after lots of complaining about the uniform.  "There you guys are. Welcome to the mess hall where we all will be eating our meals"

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