Chapter 18

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Silas' POV

After a conversation with Sang and North a couple of days ago I have been quieter then usual trying to work through what was said. I was pissed with North, he knows how I deal with shit yet he decided to push the issue and force me to talk about all the shit that was going through my head and that was the last thing that I needed. I'm not the biggest talker out there and so when something is bothering me I tend to take a step back and observe the situation so that I can figure out a way to work through it.

I had seen somethings going on between some of our brothers and I didn't like it. It almost looked as if we were all drifting off in different directions and I wanted to see if I could stop where the problems layso that I could fetch it up to Mr B. It had only taken a day or so to see that the atmosphere would be fine, not great like it use to be, but fine until Sang entered the area. Once she would enter the guys would change, not massively and if I wasn't watching I would never have spotted it. At first I thought it was a coincidence, but after the 3rd day I couldn't deny it, and I started to see why.

I saw how she would place herself inbetween certain people, or she would favor certain people. I thought she was just making sure to spread her time between us, but the more I watched the more I saw.

She was separating certain groups.

Whenever Luke and Gabe would hug or cuddle she would plant herself in the middle or ask one of them to do something with her and exclude the other. I could see that she was keeping a close eye on Kota whenever he was near Nathan. It also seemed as though Victor would be practically isolated, but I knew he sometimes prefered to be alone so I couldn't tell if that was something she was wanting or not.

Once I noticed these things I started to think about our whole relationship with her and now I could see multiple red flags. I know I need to mention this to Mr B, but I'm worried I may be massively overthinking things.

We are academy, surely if we were being manipulated we would be the first to know, right?

North had cornered me because he felt I was neglecting Sang and being a dick to her. I didn't tell him what I though was going on because I was trying to work things out, I just could believe that someone as sweet and innocent as Sang could possibly do that. I told him to give me time but he refused to listen and dragged me to Sangs instead. He told me to spend some more time with her, insisting that would help.

It didn't.

I spent 3 hours with her, during that time she had been pretty heavily laying on the guilt trip. Sobbing that she wanted me to tell her where she messed up so that she could fix it. She told me how I was making her feel as if she was a monster and that I hated her. I was making her feel unwanted and unwelcome, like Luke and Gabreiel did.

That had got my attention. She had tried to cover up what she said as though it was just an accidental slip and I believed her, until I made eye contact with her and saw the slight glee in her eye that I had asked her about what she had said. She wanted to say something about Luke and Gabe so I let her think that I believed her.

Luke and Gabe ignore her and treat her badly when it's just the 3 of them, she had told me. They hang out together and pretend she isn't there, push her aside. They have even been making her sleep on the floor, she said.

I was furious.

I couldn't believe what I was hearing.

I needed to tell Mr B before North heard the absolute bullshit she was spewing.
I saw the joy in her eyes when I said I would speak to Mr B. I knew she was happyI was so angry, she just didn't realise I was angry with her. She actually thought I would believe her. She clearly wants to turn me against them, but what I need to work out is whether this is a sick game she is playing to mess with us and manipulate us or if there is something else going on and she is after something. I know she has been asking questions about the jobs we do, so she could be trying to get information from us.

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