Chapter 13

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Ivy's POV

After serving Brian and Trixie their dinner, Trixie making sure there would be none left for me. I stood in the corner of the room like usual for family meal times. Once they finished eating, I grab their plates and get started on cleaning the kitchen. I hear Trixie head off to bed and breath a small sigh of relief. After washing the dishes I head to the living room where Brian is sitting on the sofa watching tele and drinking a beer. I stand just off to the side of the tele before clearing my throat,

''Sir, you said you wanted to talk to me?''


I quickly sat on the chair opposite him and waited for him to start. He spent 30 minutes going over my rules, basically threatening me to make sure I don't tell anyone about how I am treated here. He did surprise me though. Told me that if I behave myself for the next 2 weeks I may be allowed to attend school this year. I have already graduated school online but if it gets me away from Trixie for a few hours everyday then I don't mind doing it all over again. Apparently Brian if friends with the principle of the school I will be attending so he doesn't have to explain why I will be missing the first 2 weeks of school. They also won't need to explain when I need days off to recover from some of the more severe punishments.

I was also informed of a little work trip that Brian will be going on this coming weekend, fortunately for me he will be taking Trixie along with him. They are due to leave friday and return on sunday evening.

I leave the living room after being given my chores for the night and quickly get started knowing I won't be allowed to sleep unless I get everything done.

I start unpacking everything in Trixie and Brians room knowing she is too drunk to wake up anytime soon. I had just left the room after finishing when I bumped into Brian. He glared down at me and I immediately lowered my eyes to the floor. He bumps my shoulder, hard, as he makes his way past me and into his room. I stumbled a little but manage to keep myself standing, biting my lip to keep in a whimper.

Once the door to his room has closed I can breathe easy again. I head to the bathroom and start unpacking and cleaning in there before moving onto the kitchen then living room before finishing up in my room. After I had finished unpacking my box, I'm exhausted. I look at my clock and see that it is already 6am. I can feel my eyes burning as I set the alarm for 7am. Trixie enjoys to deprive me of sleep as a punishment sometimes so even though there doesn't seem to be much point in sleeping, I know I should while I can.

I jump awake when I hear my alarm going off. I groan, feeling my eyes burning and wanting nothing more than to close my eyes and go back to sleep, but it won't be worth the punishment. I drag myself to a standing position, bending backwards to crack my back and stretch out my tight muscles. I head to the bathroom and begin my morning routine, showering and brushing my teeth. Once I'm finished, I head downstairs to start breakfast.

At exactly 8am, Trixie and Brian leave their room and head to the dining table. I set all the food I have made on the table and step back into the corner. They make conversation, and honestly, looking at them now they seem like a perfectly normal couple.

After half an hour Brian signal that they have finished and I can start clean up now, as I reach for Trixie's plate she grabs my wrist, squeezing tightly.

''Eat.'' She says, nodding towards the leftover food on her plate. 3 spoons worth of scrambled eggs, 2 slices of bacon and half a piece of toast. ''Get yourself some water too.'' She smiles at me and I can't help the shudder that travels through my body.

I practically inhale the food. Not willing to give Trixie the chance to change her mind. Once I'm done I head into the kitchen and begin cleaning up. I hear the door slam closed and know that Brian has left for work. I have no idea what he does, but I know better than to ask.

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