Chapter 5

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Sang and Kaylie left the apartment in a hurry and quickly entered the elevator. Sang watched as Kaylie pushed the button for the ground floor. After a few moments of silence Sang began to grow uncomfortable and decided to try and break the silence,

''So Kaylie-''

Kaylie coughed looking at Sang shaking her head minutely and darting her eyes from Sangs to the top left corner of the elevator. Sang got the message and kept her mouth shut.

Once they reached the ground floor and the doors opened, Kaylie grabbed Sangs wrist and quickly tugged her down the corridor towards the spa. Kaylie quickly pushed the doors opened slamming them shut behind Sang before releasing her wrist.

The two girls looked at each other staring each other down before huge grins spread across their faces,

''Oh my god Sang, I can't believe you're here! What the actual fuck'' Kaylie squeals whilst giggling and pulling Sang into a hug,

''I know right! What are the chances I'd see you here'' Sang giggles ''but what was all that in the elevator?''

''Cameras. They have them in the corridors and elevators incase something happens, so I couldn't run the risk of you saying something that could screw us both over.''

''Oh right, so you guys like cameras too then huh?''

''Yep, anyways enough about them, how's you? What's your play?''

Sang and Kaylie spend the next hour catching up and reminissing on old times, discussing their current relationships and arranging a catch up for the following week.

''Cut that shit off now Sang, seriously. I didn't work quick enough with Corey and Raven and now it's a pain in the ass. They need to have their attention on us. I know they won't leave me though, they can't without splitting up their family. As long as I have Brandon, Axel and Marc on my side they can't go anywhere, but you don't have that, keep them seperate or put yourself in the middle, hell cry to the others that they are ignoring you, but sort it or you'll lose them.''

''You're right'' Sang sighs ''It's getting harder to not react, but I have a plan. You remember how much I like attention'' Sang laughs and Kaylie snorts,

''Oh I remember, hell I used the same trick last week and now Brandon's buying me a car.''

''Seriously, A CAR! I'm impressed.'' Sang eyes lit with jealousy. Kaylie scoffs

''Oh seriously Sang, fuck off'' a huge grin on her face ''I know damn well you didn't buy that outfit. You have Victor, I guessing prince piano bought you a whole damn new wardrobe didn't he.''

''Well yeah, him and Gabe, fucking nightmare though, having to dress like a innocent little girl and constantly having to act like it's too much. Helps with the play though''

''That's your problem babe, I chose to use sex to my advantage, so I still my lovely self''

''Ha, lovely, you'' Sang splutters out between laughs.

''You're such a bitch''

They sit for a few minuets on the end of the pool, legs kicking back and forth, leaning back on their hands.

''I missed you, you know'' Kaylie says, Sang turns to look at her but Kaylie keeps looking out at the pool. ''I was so angry when you left me, but I get it... I get it now.''

Sang reaches out and cups Kaylie's face, pulling her towards her until their foreheads rested against each other. Sangs brushes her thumb against Kaylie's cheek, wiping away a tear that had escaped when Kaylie's eyes shut tightly as she tried to keep them in.

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