Chapter 14

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Luke's POV

It's late Monday night before I finally manage to arrange to meet with Corey. I had been wanting to talk to him for a while but I was always either too nervous or things just came up and I was too busy. I had texted him earlier to make sure he was free to meet and talk to me alone and he said everyone was out just now if I wanted to go to his, so that's where I am. Standing outside his appartment door wiping sweat off my hands onto my jeans, debating whether or not to actually knock. I want someone to talk to about what is going on in my head but I am terrified that once I say it out loud it all becomes real. Before I get the chance to chicken out the door swings open,

''Hey Luke, you okay?''

''Yeah, er, yeah am good''

He frowns a little, obviously I'm not good and he can clearly see that, he ushers me in and heads to the kitchen as I make my way to the couch,

''Make yourself at home, you want a drink?''

''Oh, yeah sure. Water is fine thanks.''

After a few moments later he hands me a bottle of water and places a coffee for himself onto the table. He doesn't say anything, knowing I need a few minutes to gather my thoughts and figure out what I want to say, which I appreciate.

With a heavy sigh I finally look up at Corey and hope that I can get through the following conversation, knowing that he will understand, more than anyone else.

''I think I'm in love with Gabe and I don't know what to do''

I quickly say, hoping that just throwing it out there will at least give us somewhere to start. Corey doesn't say anything just sits there, seeming to wait for me to elaberate, so I do. I tell him how I have always been more drawn to Gabe then any of my other brothers and at first I just thought it was because of our similar personalities and that's why we were the best of friends but that lately, since meeting Sang, things have felt different. Not awkward, just weird, at least for me.

''I feel like I should feel more for Sang then I do for Gabe, but I don't. When I'm upset or in need of comfort it's always Gabe I want and he is always the one to notice when we are in group settings. Sometime talking to Sang feels more like a chore than anything else. I don't automatically cheer up just from seeing her, like I do with Gabe, and I guess I'm just not sure what it all means. I care for Sang, I do. I just don't know if I love her, but I'm pretty sure I love Gabe.''

''I felt the same with Raven. I made myself miserable trying to avoid him because I thought he wouldn't like me back and that our family wouldn't accept us. Are these things that you are worried about?''

''No, yes, I don't know. I know some of our family will support us no matter what, but I'm scared of some of the others reactions. Sangs reaction, is the one that worries me the most.''

I mumble the last part hoping he wouldn't focus on that to much, but I should of known better. We are academy, literally trained to pick up on things like that.

''What do you mean Luke? Why is Sang the one you are he most worried about, has she done something to make you think she wouldn't accept you?''

I look up at Corey and can see he seems to be getting more and more frustrated, I have heard from North that there has been some tension in their relationship with Kaylie since Corey and Raven got closer. North works with Brandon and apparently where North takes apart cars and rants after a bad day. Brandon takes apart motorcycles.

''No, she hasn't said anything'' I say quickly  hoping to calm him down, however now that I think about it, does she have a problem with me and Gabe being close?

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