Chapter 9

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Mime Bomb was running as fast as he could to Team Sandiegos headquarters, he was thankful Carmen had given him and his teammates the address, but since they had been captured their own fellow operatives, he had to warn Carmen, Ivy and Shadowsan of what had happened, he soon arrived and frantically knocked,Carmen answered the door with a confused look.

"Mime Bomb? Where's everyone else? Jean-Paul, Antonio, Zack and Sheena?" She asked, Mime Bomb used his skills in charades to tell her they were captured by V.I.L.E operatives, which she was perfectly able to interpret. "You guys were ambushed by Paper Star, Dash Haber, Spinkick and Flytrap, and now they're being taken to V.I.L.E island?!" Carmen said, she had a horrified look on her face, she pulled Mime Bomb inside to tell Ivy, Shadowsan and Player what had happened, all of them were as scared as Carmen was, Ivy especially.

"My Bro and the love of his life, taken by those monsters!" Ivy said as she fell to her knees, tears falling from her eyes, Player himself was horrified at what had happened to Zack and Sheena, and that V.I.L.E would turn on their own operatives.

"We must move quickly if we are to save Zack, Sheena, El Topo and Le Chèvre!" Shadowsan said.

"Shadowsan's right, we need to go after them!" Carmen announced, she gave out the orders to Ivy, Shadowsan, and Mime Bomb, and had Player work his magic, everyone gathered their gear for the showdown with V.I.L.E and hoped they would be able to bring Zack and Sheena home, Player was able to find them transport to the Canary islands, and he made sure he was able to hack into V.I.L.Es software to allow an easy entry and escape.

"Hang in there guys, we're coming!" Carmen said.

Meanwhile on another boat to V.I.L.E island, the agents Paper Star, Spinkick and Flytrap were guarding their prisoners while Dash Haber was driving the boat, Zack, Sheena, El Topo and Le Chèvre were each tied up in the brig, each of them glaring at their captors, Zack especially, he knew they were gonna try and take his beloved Sheena away from him, he was not gonna let that happen, and Sheena wasn't gonna leave her dearest Zack without a fight, both of them suddenly got an idea and looked at each other, their lips curling into mischievous smiles, they figured while they were captured, they should try and torture their captors first to gain the upper hand, Zack whispered something into Sheenas ear, she giggled at what he was saying, El Topo and Le Chèvre looked at them curiously, Sheena then lifted one leg up while scrunching her face up, then sat back into a normal position.

"Ah, that was a good one." Sheena said loudly. "Hey quiet in there-Oh! Oh my god!" Spinkick gagged, Flytrap and Paper Star did the same, they had caught wind of Sheenas silent fart.

"Oh that stinks! My eyes are burning!" Flytrap said in disgust, Paper Star made an origami fan to try and get the obnoxious fumes out as quickly as possible while coughing and trying not to vomit.

"Disgusting! I can't believe you would do something like that Tigress!" Paper Star said in anger.

"First of all, it's Sheena, and second, Thank you Taco Bell!" Sheena declared, the brig erupted into laughter from Her, Zack, El Topo and Le Chèvre. "That's my girl!" Zack said proudly, kissing her cheek.

"Oh knock it off you two!" Spinkick said trying not to lose his lunch. "Hey there's more where that came from pal!" Zack said, he was clearly having fun with torturing these slime-balls. "Don't you even- Eeeeewwww!" Paper Star reacted catching wind of Zacks silent but deadly weapon, Flytrap had fled up outside to puke, much to Dash Habers confusion.

"Ugh have some decency man!" Spinkick said, he may have been a villain but even he knew when to remember his manners around women.

"Haha, behold the stench of my 3 bean chili!" Zack declared with a laugh, Sheena was kicking her bare feet in laughter leaving sand on the brig floor, she had to say Zacks plan was working, behaving obnoxiously was driving their captors crazy. "Alright the next one to fart goes overboard!" Spinkick said fuming with anger.

The Tigress who Stole my Heart Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora