A Shortly Horrific Poem

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We do the same thing every day
And day
And day
It repeats over

And while we repeat
The cracks between realities form
Reaching for them through your unconscious mind
To sooth the repeating patterns

And it becomes harder
To place a pin where the patterns end
And you begin

True seers are born of boredom
Willingly letting themselves slide into the void
Holding keys without knowing
Where to find the locks
Placing pins in places they aren't meant to see
Not meant to be

Loosely holding threads
Leading back to their reality
Managing to barely avoid being lost
While pushing fingers through theirs to others

Seeing through the cracks of dimensions and intelligence
But, with no line of defense
You continue to find your reality on repeat
And your mind will fragment
Repeat stories
Repeat reality
Repeat visits

Let your world fall off the maps
While your mind wanders
And your body does as its required

It becomes automatic
It becomes harder
Placing pins where your reality begins and the pattern ends

Trapped in repeat
Repeat the words

Slide yourself into the void
Look through the cracks
In your boredom you will find
They're trying to get inside

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2021 ⏰

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