"You silly girl," I coo as I open the kitchen door with her tucked on my side. "How much longer will you wake me up in the middle of the night for this?" 

A clear of throat startles me and I stumble back upon seeing the Duke casually leaning back against the kitchen sink. My foot gets caught on something I wasn't even aware of and I lose balance, falling backwards and clutching Primrose for dear life, flush against my chest.

I close my eyes as I prepare for impact but it never comes. Instead, strong and warm hands grasp my waist, sending me goosebumps all over. Sparks fly around me and even though I can't see them because I still have my eyes shut, I know because I am feeling them prickling at my skin.

A ragged breath hits my face and I slowly open my eyes.

After a couple of blinks, I exhale shakily under his piercing gaze. Heat creeps up my body, creating a small coat of sweat to gather above my eyebrow. We're frozen, lost in the moment, in each other's eyes. And even with the dim light, I can spot the golden specks that are spread around his pupils, making his eyes seem a lighter colour of brown than it usually is.

Slowly they dilate, robbing the irises of their space and another wave of goosebumps covers my skin as his head dips down, almost touching my skin. With his lips inches away from mine. 

I should be putting some distance between us but I can't. My body reacts with a mind of its own ever since I've laid eyes on him for the first time after all of those years. His proximity clouds my judgement every single time and I can't seem to move away.

It's like he intoxicates me with just the sight, scent or touch of him.

Then, a small cry breaks me out of my daze and we both look down at the same time, watching as an overly eager Primrose wags her tail and pushes her front paws on my arms, propelling her head taller, to get a whiff of the Duke. 

My eyes widen when I notice her inching even closer and go to divert her but it's too late. Her sloppy and humid tongue rolls out, licking the Duke's cheek, and leaving a path of drool behind. 

I gasp in horror and jump out of his hold at the same time the Duke's breath hitches and his face morphs into an expression of shock.

"Your Grace, I am so so sorry," I apologize frantically. "She's still a baby, she was the Duchess' dog and she gets overly excited when she meets new people. I am sorry, I promise I'll teach her better." 

Then the unexpected happens.

The Duke lets out this deep and strong laughter and doubles over his stomach.

I'm rooted to the spot, in shock, watching as his laughter feels the silence around us. This is not the reaction I was expecting from him. I was expecting annoyance, even anger or some kind of dismissive behaviour but he's laughing. Why the hell is he laughing?

"Of course you had to have a cute dog," He wheezes between laughter and I can see he's trying to calm down.

"I'm sorry she's just very loving and loves to give a few kisses," I blush embarrassed when he finally looks back at me with a side-smile, popping out a dimple on his left cheek. "I will make sure she doesn't bother you, Sir, I'll keep her outside and in my room only."

"It's okay." He tells me. "Is she yours?" he asks.

"It is now, but she was the Duchess'," I mumble.

"She's cute, what breed is it?" 

"A cocker Spaniel, Your Grace." 

"I see, she seems smart though," he comments.

"She is, she already asks to go outside and to eat and she never does anything inside. She's just a cuddler type of dog, she loves to give some love. " I say with a shy smile and blushing cheeks.

Sensing his eyes still on me, I bring my attention back to him with a gulp. This man's eyes are too intense, too powerful for me not to look away.

"Will I have to get rid of her?" I dare ask after an uncomfortable silence.

Looking back up from a sleepy Primrose on my arms up to the Duke's, I notice a frown forming on his handsome face.

"Why would you have to get rid of her?" 

My mouth falls agape at his confusion.

"I thought Your Grace wouldn't..." I stop myself, searching for words. "Wouldn't want her around," I mumble.

"I don't mind, as long as she doesn't destroy anything that is mine," he shrugs.

"Are you sure, Y-your Grace?" I can't help but stutter.

"Yes, Camilla," He concludes but I can still detach the husky tone in his voice. 

"Thank you, Your Grace," I bow my head, bringing Primrose even close to me and kissing her head softly.

She squirms but doesn't wake up and I can't help the content smile that widens on my face. At least I'll still have something keeping my bond to the Duchess alive. 

After a few cuddles and kisses, I realize I forgot I had company. The Duke has his hand tucked in the pockets of a pair of grey sweatpants and I gulp. 

I would never think a Duke would wear sweatpants.

My eyes rake his body, from the bottom to the top, lingering on his shirtless torso, a marvellous sight that I've been purposely ignoring until now. When our eyes meet again once again, something in my chest flutters. His gaze is always intense and piercing but this time, they're conveying something more. 

Something I can't quite place, but that I am sure I am no stranger to.

It's soft and it's rooted deep inside of us and searching for space to grow.

Then, the Duke clears his throat, breaking the moment and making me blush furiously.

"It's late,"  he comments. "We probably should go to bed." 

His body pushes itself from the place he was, leaning against the island counter and turns in direction of the long hall that connects the kitchen to the main division and the big staircase.

 I do the same and turn in direction of the staff's corridor, where my bedroom is located. Just before we both leave the kitchen, I speak: "Good night, Your Grace." My voice comes out shaky, showing just how much he affects me.

The sound of his footsteps halts, making me inhale sharply, but he doesn't speak.

At least not until I cross to the corridor and hear a barely audible mumble:

"Goodnight Little Mila."

👑 A u t h o r ' s N o t e 👑

Jesus, I was struggling to finish this chapter. It's not right there yet but well, it's something. Hope you liked it! You didn't think I'd make them go all-in on the 5th chapter, did you? I mean, this will be HOT, I assure you but... I need foundations and a minimum acceptable realistic development.

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