Chapter 8: Turf War For The Quad

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"That was the start of the war... as I said. We ran away to the clock tower and Rowan joined us. He wanted revenge, oh and the money chest. Once they found The Orange Room they found the money, and the stacks of stolen fizzy stuff, and cupcakes (but not the still stuff), and word got around and by the end of the school day a man hunt had started."

While Rowan, Evan and Leon, Liana and Robin, Richard, Haha Lol (and Haha Lol 2), The Friend and Betty were hiding in the clock tower, armies had gathered below and scoured the academy to find them.
Ms Chester led the cast and crew of Beauy And Du Beast.
Sue, who was a canteen lady if you #forgot, led Brenda and Mandy along with Percy (their pitbull and prep cook).
As well, The Weed Bros found out no weed was in the apple juice and more then feeling angry about being lied to, felt embarrassed that they couldn't tell a difference.
Lastly the feminists, who were led by Nova as Lilly was searching for Evan on her own, were a out. All dressing in their homemade armour of cardboard and polycarbonate and Nova wore Lillys crown because she was that kind of person.

In the tower Rowan had spilled the beans that he hadn't been paying them on the promise he was working on rising their pay and would cover what he'd missed.

"Why not just pay them!" Evan argued.
"Hve you ever counted our money?" Rowan replied. "There's like ten grand in there dude!"
"So we can pay them no problem!"
"That's why we shouldn't pay them! Did Walter White pay Tuco?"
Leon played 'Biggering' out of nowhere.
"Ayy, good song." Evan said.
"That's for you man." Leon pointed at Rowan. "Don't go biggering."
"Yap" Haha Lol added.
"We have to take the fight to them!" He said.
"I can fight." Said Betty."
"Yap" Haha Lol joyfully barked.
"I might go home." Robin sighed.
"Have you even seen Breaking Bad?" Leon whispered. "You know Walter dies in the end?"
"We all have to die." Rowan brushed off.
"Jesse and Jane survive tho, yea?" Evan asked.

By now Mr Principle had dragged the treasure chest into the quad and everyone who was owed began taking out of it.
"Them bastards!" Rowan began. "That's my money! We ready to fight?" The response wasn't what he wanted. "Alright, let's make like a stag do!"
Then he leapt from the tower and shot down with his jet boots and began swinging and fighting the weed bros and the feminists.

"Pupil 791 stop this at once!!!" Mr Principe scoffed but Rowan didn't care, he just threw punches and took many too until Betty came to help, along with The Friend and Haha Lol.

"I'm gonna go find Lilly." Evan climbed down.
"That is a lot of money." Robin said.
"You really wanna help him?" Liana asked.
"Isn't he your ex?" Leon added.
"Yea, and imagine how angry he'd be if we stole the chest while he's fighting."
Liana and Leon shared a glance, then Richard spoke up and scared everyone as they had forgotten he was there.

Evan found Lilly with Morgan and Luke who were trying to find him so nice how that works out.
They went to english and watched the fight through the window.
"Remember when that tornado came." Lilly said. "It's like that."
"Haha yea that was good." Evan said, then he got an idea. "I just found my motive!" He shot up and stood epically like Scott Pilgrim. "I'm gonna destroy the school! You guys wanna help?"
His friends agreed, so off they went to make the fight worse.

We have to go back a bit now to when everyone fled The Orange Room to catch up with Annie, who might have been there idk i didn't read the last chapter before writing this one.
Annie was a bit of a perfectionist and didn't follow the others, instead she stayed with Ms Chester and agreed to help her to get a better grade in english probably, that's how her mind works, I'm sure Ms Chester didn't see it that way.

The scrap in the quad got so big that Officer Egg was called! He took his HP-22 handgun and waxed his head, he waxed his muscles while he was there and thought he was so fit he ripped off the sleeves of his shirt and wrapped it around his head as a bandana. He strolled into the quad to, in his words, see what all this was about.

Next the skaters came out on skateboards and rollerblades carrying The Apple Shack and threw it at Rowan so Leon went to him inside the stall. It was cramped.
"It's not worth it!" Leon pleaded.
"I'm gonna get that money if it kills us." Rowan grinned.
"I don't wanna die!"
"It's for the story man." Rowan laughed, "It'll look good y'know."
"If we actually die???" Leon yelled.
"Yea man," Rowan put his hand on Leons shoulder and said, "yolo."
Then Sue ripped the front off the stall and picked Rowan up with such force he went flying behind her and into the gym through the top windows, landing with a thud that cracked the floor.
"Ok, I'm starting to see what's happening here." Rowan said while he laid there.

Before anyone could chase the boy, Evan rocked up to the languages roof overlooking the quad with Lilly, Morgan and Luke, all with meme bombs.
"Oi fanny fucjers listen up! It's the end of the world and we're here to see it off!" He announced.
"Lilly?" Nova the feminist squinted her angry eyes even more so now they were closed. Btw Lilly and Nove dated, Lilly and Richard also dated I'm pretty sure, might not be this timeline tho.
And Richard has a good view of the battle from the back of the clock tower.

"I'll describe more of the battle in the next chapter."

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