Chapter 2: Awkwardness And Apple Juice

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"We agreed to team up. We were gonna bankrupt the school! And sell apple juice and that, we ended up skipping most classes, it was great. I'm getting ahead of myself. Rowan and Evan were the stage men, they were the faces of The Apple Shack. Well, Evan mostly, his year did a thing called 'the king of the school' and he was 'king' at the time so everyone followed him I think. All the NPCs."

The Apple Shack was set up in front of a bunch of benches. Rowan and Evan would spend their lunch selling cupcakes with free still stuff on the side from within the shack, and after a few days the line there grew very large.

"Why are you doing this?" Liana asked. She bought her cupcake and threw it away for the apple juice.
"We're Breaking Bad." Rowan grinned.
"That makes sense now."
Liana had mates rates, as did all Rowan and Evans friends. As opposed to the selling price of one pound fifty for a bottle, Liana and many others only paid fifty pence.

"You give Liana a discount why don't I get one!" Sapphire huffed at the counter.
"Because we don't like you." Rowan told her.
"You don't like Annie either!" Sapphire argued.
"Tough luck." Evan shrugged.
"Yea, get lost, we're busy." Rowan said.
"Evan." The girl began. "I know you don't hate me, we could make the cupcakes like we made pie."
"You made pie!" Rowan asked with an evil smile on his face.
"Don't start." He signed. "Go away Sapphire."
"Or pay one fifty." Rowan added.
"Can you just-"
"I'm gonna turn my speaker on." Evan said so he couldn't hear her anymore.

"It went on for a few weeks. Their mates joined as well. They called themselves 'The Sardines'. Yea stupid name. There was the ginger one, the small one and the gay one. Never met them, didn't talk to them really. But they were there. Oh and the gingers ones girlfriend too."

Robin had come down from Norway from her very confusing schedule, and Liana got her involved with Yoooooo the cupcake business.
Liana and Robin were the most involved other then the main three, Liana liked the free space to hang out and Robin liked Liana.
They had a square off the quad behind The Apple Shack and sat on the benches and stools, but it was Autumn and windy and not very nice.

Micheal, who once hung out with Rowan a lot, only saw him when he bought apple juice for him and his girlfriend Kate. They would probably go off on a date and drink it so before Rowan would give him the bottles he sprinkled a bit of salt in them.

Evan was loving being the face of The Apple Shack, everyone loved the apple juice and therefore him. He would shout out promotions and sales, only to be stumped when Lilly came up next in the line.
"Hi." She smiled.
"Hi. Lilly." Evan smiled awkwardly.
Rowan knew the next few minutes would hurt so left for a bit.
"Yea I heard you started a business." She said.
"Yea, I did. It was me and Rowan, and we wrecked Wrecking Ball." He boated.
"Cool." Lilly ended the conversation.
As the salesman Evan should have asked if she wanted a cupcake, but he spent a moment too long thinking of something to say.
"How's feminism?" He came up with.
"As a whole?"
"Can I have a cupcake?" She asked.
"Oh ye." He got a cupcake for her.
"...and the apple juice?"
"Oh ye!"
"You wanna walk?"
Liana and Robin took over until Rowan came back just before lunch ended.

Rowan had left to talk with Leon in the back.
"This sucks." He complained. "It's so windy!"
"Right!" Leon agreed.
"We should have a den. And a bar!" Rowan thought out loud.
"Like for Aladdin."
"What ever happened to that?"
"...I couldn't tell you." Rowan chuckled awkwardly.

Evan and Lilly agreed that the feminists would be distribution for the still stuff. Lilly only wanted to get involved because she liked Evan ever since he saved her from a shark, and Evan jumped at the chance to work with her as it was an excuse to see her more.
Lilly got her feminist friends to agree to distribute Rowans apple juice in Evans cleaned bottles. Leon was also there, even if he didn't actually do anything.

Annie was the short member of The Sardines. She promoted Yoooooo on Twitter until she got backlash because apple cruelty or something.
"Apples aren't real though." Rowan laughed at Twitter and its infinite stupidity.
"Ye well if I carried on they would have banned me!" Annie argued. "Then who would promote your stupid game?"
"Still not you."
"Make your own Twitter." She sighed.
"I'd rather die." Rowan said.

Annie wasn't that involved in the business through her own volition, and Richard wasn't that involved through Rowan and Evans volition (Richard was the gay one).
"I'm not gay!" He would always defend himself, but no one believed him.

"Can I help?" He asked Rowan at the counter.
"I don't think so..." Rowan looked away.
Luckily the bell went and most of everyone left for class.

"We should take a photo, like to remember where we came from." Liana suggested.
And so they got a photo in front of the apple shack.
Leon didn't want his face seen involved so took the photo of the four in front of the shack. It was a weird photo.

"And the glory days were born. It was my idea actually, to make the prop room into our base. That was where we built a den for the boys to change during the show. Then it was destroyed. Still don't know how. But me and Rowan decided to rebuild it, and rebuild it we did!"

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