Chapter 1: Junebug

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"Where do I start. At the beginning ok shut up, uh... October time, dunno the dates or nothing. Um me, Rowan and his mate Evan made a business. Well they started it, to sell apple juice. And somehow, we ended up here."

Evan and Rowan watched a bit of Breaking Bad and were left inspired.
For break(ing bad) Rowan would have a bottle of fizzy apple juice, but he didn't like the fizz so each day he'd water it down.
"Gimme toast lad." Evan said as he always did and he joined Rowan outside with the toast lad.
"Yo I got it." Rowan said, "We'll make and sell apple juice that's better then the apple juice here."
"Yo, you got it."

In science Rowan stole a book and read it during lunch. The next day he came in with some very nice apple juice, which he shared with Evan, Liana (who he found with Sapphire) and Micheal (who he found with Kate). They too said the apple juice was very nice as all they had been drinking for the past three years was the fizzy stuff. Rowan called his stuff 'the still stuff', and teachers who overheard assumed they were talking about drugs. Luckily they didn't care enough to report it.

Rowan was Mr. White. He knew this because he had made the still stuff. Evan was Jesse, because he liked a girl called Lilly and where they watched up to in Breaking Bad Jesse had met Jane.

Rowans auntie or whatever had a wedding and Rowan went and they only served orange juice so Rowan now disliked his auntie and her hubbe or something. That's a little bit of character motivation for you there. The orange juice bit but not disliking his aunt, that was more of a joke.

"I cook it in the back of Fields car." Rowan would tell his friends, "He's working around the island so I just go there too."

On a Monday, Rowan came in with a few large containers of apple juice, and was ready to make some money.
He and Evan set up a shifty sign in the canteen and stood in the outdoors section as pupils from all years came and paid for a plastic cup of apple juice.

To help out, Evan suggested to clean out old fizzy apple bottles and sell the still stuff in there to avoid suspicion from the canteen staff and so he did that. He invested a large percentage of their takings that day on fizzy apple juice from the canteen and he and his friends Luke and Morgan spent the afternoon pouring it all out.
The next day he came back with a bag full of clean empty fizzy apple juice bottles and he and Rowan transferred the still stuff into them.

That lunch time they once again set up outside the canteen and many more pupils came and bought from the two.
"This is good shit!" Some kid said drinking it and leaving.
"Yo, who are you?" Another kid asked finishing his bottle.
"Junebug." Rowan said. He thought it was cool, like Heisenberg but not, and it wasn't; and it was pointless too because everyone knew each other's names in the academy. Except evidently the kid who just asked 'who are you?'.

"I was dealing with my own shit before they came to me. I knew Rowan, he and his brother were in the school play. We never hung out like, but last year me and him did Aladdin. It was fun, he was Jafar, he loved it, and I was Aladdin, so ye. They came to me just after they started making money. Like actual money, people paid for apple juice from them. It's still the most unbelievable part of the story. Anyway... ye they came to me when I was spray painting. Allegedly."

Leon was the boy who played Aladdin, and hung out with his mates in a science room because they were cool like that. They'd graffiti and vandalise shit yknow.

"Hey." Rowan said, seeing Leon spray painting.
"Rowan..." He said shooting up.
"What's happening?"
"Just... not much."
The boys saw what Leon did, it said 'cock school'.
"Ha nice." Evan laughed.
"Evan!" Luke called over to him. "We got art! C'mon."
"Better run." Evan smirked and left.
"See ya 'round." Rowan left then, for Welsh or something.
Leon ran too, away from the sprayed wall. He wasn't good at it though and got paint on his hands.

"We need a better way to sell this you know." Rowan said.
"Yea we're risking it out in the open." Evan said. "But what if it's a business!"
"What?" Rowan asked.
"Holy shit I got it! The academy let's students apply for pop up shops and shit in school hours! We can just say we're selling something they allow and actually be selling the best fucking apple juice anyone's tasted!"
"School does that?"
"Well it's an academy, it has to I think. You know, to keep up appearance. And promote local businessing and bullshit." Evan said.

They made a power point and booked a meeting with Wrecking Ball. She was in charge of something as well as this pop up shop scheme.
"We're gonna sell cupcakes." Evan explained.
"What's it called?" Wrecking ball asked.
"Yoooooo." Rowan yelled.
"What does that stand for?" Wrecking Ball asked.
"You're..." Rowan counted on his hands, "Out of... oranges...or..."
"How many o's?" She asked.
"Six." Evan said smugly.
"There are rules." The teacher said.
"What are they?" Rowan asked.
"...I dunno, but they're there."
"Just give us the shack you bowling ball." Evan said.

And that worked. She kept one eye on each pupil and afterwards gave them permission to decorate and run one of the stalls.

The two boys wheeled the stall from the prop room into the art room to decorate it.
"This isn't like breaking bad." Evan joked.
"Well it might be, we not seen it all yet." Rowan said.

"It was Rowan who got me. He asked me to spray paint the stall, then I asked about it and we agreed to take the school for all it had. We ended up calling the shack The Apple Shack, trade marked probably. They sold cupcakes for like two quid I think, but had the apple juice for free with the cupcakes. I think like one person ate the cupcakes, everyone bought them for the apple juice because it wasn't fizzy. Y'know, the more I think about it the less I think the other kids were real. If they wanted apple juice they could've just gone Bill Manks, or... or even Tesco! Shit I dunno, um. Where was I? I really don't know."

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