Chapter 3: The Orange Room

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"The Orange Room was born in the prop room. We took props from The Wedding Singer and made a whole bar there, we were like gangsters it was amazing!"

Rowan, Evan and Leon spent a day outside class and made the room all cool with a bar to sell apple juice, a stage for a performer and round tables all around. It looked like a proper fancy ragtime bar thanks to the left over props.
The three spent the last hours of the day on beanbags and shot the shit.

"Did you ever see The Wedding Singer?" Leon asked Evan.
"No. Was it good?"
Leon and Rowan shared a look.
"Well." Leon began. "It was the first few nights."
"It was amazing." Rowan said. "Sayle was Robbie, Leon had a mullet, I got married."
"You would in The Wedding Singer."
"But the last night we performed it." Leon leaned forward. "Glen. Popped."
"That was that!?" Evan laughed.
"Yea." Rowan nodded.
"I heard that in year seven, what actually happened?"
"We were gonna hijack the last night and turn it into our own story we called 'The Wedding Bomber' and Robbie was gonna blow up the wedding." Leon explained. "But when Glen was singing Pop The Question, he went and popped."
"He died?"
"No." Leon sat back. "Turns out he just teleported, because he could. But at the time, we all thought he had. We called it The Wedding Catastrophe."

Rowan went for a wee and saw Liana on his way back, who he invited to The Orange Room. She got Robin to come too, who soon told Annie about it who came to see for herself.

They each went through the supply closet to get there as Rowan had locked the other doors in.
"This is awesome!" Liana laughed.
"Yea." Annie said, tweeting about it.

"Let's get Lilly too." Evan said.
"No you'll love up the place." Rowan scoffed.
"We're not in love!"
"They are." Rowan said to Leon.
"Anyway, Liana and Robin are fine."
"Yea cuz Robin's still in love with me." Rowan grinned. "Anyway! You're not seriously getting the feminists involved?"
"Why not."
"They're evil!"
"The feminists?" Leon asked.
"They're not!" Evan argued.
"Who are the feminists?"
"Evans family."
"Some girls in our year. They were at the tornado." Evan said.

"Were you at the tornado?" Leon asked.
"Oh yea! Dude you should have been there." Rowan started, "So the feminist army had a video of Evan bumping into the queen. Lilly, I mean, not me. And so he got put on trail, so he messages me like 'help me plz' and I came to save him with an army of these little coconat people. Then an actual tornado showed up."
"No, Troy came first." Evan corrected.
"Was it? Yea. Ok so the dragon came, who was Troy Banner, who Evan gave to another dragon- "
"That's not his name." Evan sighed.
"-then the tornado came! And it had sharks in it and the sharks were checker patter, and a small boy came-"
"Small boi."
"-with real life mincwaft people and me, Evan and Piper all fought them and threw meme bombs and saved the school. Which... in retrospect, we could've let the school get destroyed, y'know, before we stopped the tornado. With meme bombs."
"...was that real?" Leon asked Liana.
"I cut a shark in half." She nodded.

"How much money have you made?" Robin asked after a bit.
"Wouldn't you like to know?" Rowan said.
"Yea, that's why I asked."
Leon took out their treasure chest of change and showed the others.
"Wow." Liana laughed.
"How much is it?" Robin asked again.
"Dunno." Rowan said. "Never counted it."
"What are we gonna do with it all?" Evan asked.
"Whatever we want." Rowan sat back.
"Lets buy all the fizzy apple juice and throw it in the canteen ladies faces!" Leon laughed.
"We can pay someone to go to class for us." Rowan suggested.
"Or pay the teachers wages so they don't have to work." Evan added.
"We can just buy the school, then close it down." Leon said.
"Let's just leave. Take a road trip." Said Rowan.
"How much do we need?" Evan asked.
"Yea, like... where's the end?" Leon asked.
"This is gonna last forever."
"Dude, don't go biggering." Leon said.
"Biggering?" Rowan laughed. "That's not a word."
"No. It's a song." He explained. "Have you seen the Lorax?"
"Yea, it premiered on Film4 on my birthday." Rowan said.
"Wait is that true?"
"Ye." He laughed.
"Well. It was shit ye."
"No I had a great birthday."
"The film." Evan told and Rowan agreed.
"But it could have been great." Leon went on. "There was a song they cut from the film, called Biggering."
"Is this going anywhere." Rowan asked.
"Yes... actually, maybe not, the message is the same in the film, just don't bigger. Don't go biggering. Listen to the song thought its such a tune."

Rowan did. He put his half a phone on the stage and they waited for an advert to play before the song did.
By now Annie had left and Liana and Robin weren't paying attention so it was just the three boys who heard the song, which was a tune. Rowan liked it, although he didn't take the message to heart.

On their way out Ms Bandana stopped the boys.
"Where you kids been?" She frowned so hard her eyebrows went under her bandana.
"Ey paid a fwchin rhegi te." Ms Turtleneck snapped then trotted off down a hole.
"I told you to sort that hair!"
Then Evan pulled back her bandana and let go and it flung in her face and the boys all ran off.

The next day the boys were in The Orange Room and Lilly knocked on the door. She came in with a lot of coins and pooled them into the big prop treasure chest.
"We just made more money today then we have forever." Evan said looking lovingly at the money.
Rowan and Leon did the same.
They had dragon sickness lol.
"You're welcome." Lilly sighed.
"Yea, ta." Evan replied.
"I didn't even do anything today." Rowan said.
"It's all stuff from yesterday." Lilly told.
"So they're out there now making more?" He asked.
"Don't refer to us as 'they're'."
"You just said 'us'."
"Shut up." She went and left.

"We spent a bit before The Orange Room opened. It was our new home. The ginger one was a bartender, the small one was there, and the other one. Me and Rowan went to Cancer Research and got suits and looked like mafia boss men it was so cool, and cheap, we could have gone all out it was the company money."

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