Teach me how to flirt Two

Start from the beginning

“I met him about four years ago… we were young at the time and we didn’t understand the meaning of love or whatever…” Zack interrupted her “and now you do?”

She frowned for a second before discovering she had no answer. He smiled contently before he ushered her to go on.

“We started out as really close friends, but my friends always told me we were more than friends. I always felt those butterflies in my stomach every time I see him… so I believed them.”

“But sometimes, people feel those butterflies when they’re about to throw up too.” He interrupted and she narrowed her eyes at him. He chuckled raising his hands in the air innocently.

“Anyway, I told him about what I thought about us and he turned out to feel the same. We decided to go out on a date and in the end, we kissed. We’ve been together since”

Zack watched her and nodded slowly before asking “so, what makes you so sure that you guys are not just friends with benefits”

She stared at him shocked before she opened her mouth to say something, but nothing came out.

Why is there nothing coming out?!

“Okay enough about me… You however ha-“she started when Zack rolled his eyes and held her shoulders softly, that shut her up.

“Did you guys ever fight about the cheating stuff?” he asked. Ella looked at him thoughtfully before she admitted “my best friend once came and told me about seeing him kiss this girl in our school. I didn’t believe her though… he hated her. I knew that, he told me all the time”

Zack chuckled at how stupid she was acting.

“Ella, are you a good flirt?”

She nodded as she winked seductively. He gulped before he said “so you flirt with other guys all the time…”

She frowned before saying “not all the time, but I like it when they show me how an amazing flirt I am.”

Zack laughed before saying ‘and how do they show you?”

She raised her eyebrow as she pursed her lips and said “they gulp like you were just doing, they have their mouths hanging open slightly, and their legs open wide as their hands move to cover you know… their stuff”

Zack laughed a little uncomfortably. “If I didn’t know better, I would say you were such a bad person…”

She chuckled and fell on the bed. “Okay, so tomorrow there’s this big party downtown. Hosted by this rich dude. Noah will be there. That’s for sure. So we will start with the whole pretending tomorrow.”

Zack nodded mostly to himself before saying “you know that we will have to do all what real couples do, right?”

She sat up and watched him for a second before saying “yeah I know. Plus, Noah is a touchy feely person… so he has to see us touch each other and all for him to burn”

Zack chuckled and nodded.

“And don’t think I forgot about our plan! While we are there together, I will teach you the arts of flirting.”

Zack smiled adorably before looking at the watch and whistling.

“It’s ten already.”

Ella gasped slightly before standing up and grabbing her stuff from the chair in the corner of the room “oh, why did you ask me if I was flirting with guys?” she asked without looking at him. He smiled to himself before saying “because you said you’re with Noah for three years, but you still flirt with men… That says something about what you guys have… it’s not real. You flirt with other guys and he kisses other girls…”

She stopped in her tracks and stared at him with wide eyes. Her brown eyes had fire burning inside. He felt a little guilty, but he had to slap her with the truth because she was degrading herself without even realizing. Suddenly she cleared her throat and turned around to walk out of the room.

She had no comeback. He was right.

“Wait, I’ll drop you off.” He said following her as she descended the stairs. “Um, sure okay” she responded.

Zack watched her back as she walked quickly out of the house. Her wavy fiery orange hair was mesmerizing.

Especially her wide brown eyes, she looked very seducing.

Getting in the car, Ella huffed “it is cold” Zack rolled his eyes. Girls are always whiny, needy and naggers.

“Yeah, you’re like wearing a very light white beach dress. You have to be cold”

When he started the car, he felt daggers shooting towards him. Looking at Ella who was staring at him, he felt a little intimidated especially that her orange almost red hair was making her scary in the dim light.

“You should give me your jacket, you jerk”’ she spat. He chuckled at how personal she took it.

However, she cursed and said “Zack, it’s not about me! It’s just that if a girl says she’s cold, it means she wants your jacket. And if you are smart, you could add a line to flirt with her in the process.”

He frowned as he watched where he was going and then asked “but what could I say? You’re cold. There’s nothing flirty about this”

He could imagine her rolling her brown eyes in frustration.

“Nothing flirty How about, you could wait and I will warm you up or maybe would you like a kiss to get us a little hot” something like that?’

Zack snickered at how stupid the things she was saying were. He asked her where she lived and took a couple of turns trying to ignore how she was still complaining about to what extent of a big loser he was in flirting.

Getting frustrated at her words, he decided to shut her up by doing something, anything!

Parking next to her house, she was about to open the door when he locked it. She turned around and eyed him questioningly.

He smiled his “popular” half smile and passed his fingers through his hair noticing that it was messy.


Leaning towards her seat, he noticed as she stared at him curiously. Suddenly something caught his eye and he realized that Noah was standing at her front door watching them with wide eyes.

“Ella” he whispered smiling when she sighed slightly. “Hmm” she murmured.

“You’re beautiful” he whispered again; however he knew that was the truth. When her eyes watched his seriously, he wished he could laugh out loud, but their close proximity caused the window next to them to get all steamy and that was even more of a perfect view for the angry Noah.

Smiling again, he looked at her lips then her eyes and found her stuttering “Um, Zack, what are… You doing? I, I mean we Um, uh…”

He smiled contently before winking at her and getting her out of her seat belt before quickly and possessively wrapping his arms around her waist so that she was on his lap. A gasp escaped her and he smiled again whispering ‘Babe, our pretense starts now’

She frowned at him slightly before suddenly his hands found their way to her neck and she felt his soft lips moving with hers.

She widened her eyes slightly from surprise and tried to move away but he kept her close. Closing her eyes slowly and trying to get into it, he let her go.

He smiled again, but this was the true smile that Zack had. His true self was with her now.

“Don’t worry I didn’t enjoy it,” he admitted honestly. She moved off him shyly and a little hurt at his comment but when Zack unlocked the door and she stepped outside, all the pieces fell into place with the sight of Noah fuming at her front door.

Our pretense starts now” she remembered.

So that’s what he meant…

Teach me how to Flirt.Where stories live. Discover now