22 7 0

Henry Jones

You looked good today, like always.

For one, you never have a bad hair day. Meanwhile, I was a mess. I could hardly keep my eyes open in math, our only class together (sadly). I was exhausted. I stayed up all night researching and putting together good notes for you to pass midterms. I even laminated them so you do not have to worry about ruining them since I know how clumsy you are sometimes. You are welcome by the way.

Kidding. It was not a problem.

I just know this will be that grand thing that pulls you back to me. Imagine telling this story to our kids? I have it all planned out. I will tell you all about it when the time comes. Hopefully, it is soon once you come to that realization soon that I saved your future. It might take a little while but I am not going anywhere anytime soon.

Because if you love someone, you are willing to do ANYTHING for them. So, I will wait as long as you do not make me wait forever.

By the way, I have not had the chance to slip the notes into your locker yet. I was hoping I would be able to do it during lunch but my annoying friend took that chance to dump her rants on me about her toxic boyfriend and how he humps on any girl he gets the chance to. Pathetic, right? Like, how desperate do you have to be to stay with the guy?

Anyway, I will get you those notes by the end of the day. It will all be worth it when I see that dimpled smile of yours when you open your locker.


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