What a great school start!

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I still couldn't believe that All Might was spending every day with me for 3 hours just talking. He was different the All Might I knew. Not only that my mom was also different. She was nice to me and even cared for me. This felt just nice but the moment I was left alone in the hospital, I got the same treatment as I was used to.

That hospital would have for sure killed me if it wasn't for All Might visiting me.

I swear people are no better in this world then in the one I came from.

I mean what's wrong with them!

People born quirkless are not useless!

We can be ass deadly as someone with a quirk!

Give a man a gun and show him how to use it and you got a perfectly fine killer!

Bastard, I heard the nurse say here. Useless waste of space I heard the doctors say there and the only reason I was hospitalized for a week was because All Might insisted and paid for it. My mom was very grateful for that and as far as I could grasp the situation, she had a lot of work to do and was paid extremely little because she had me.

I don't want her to spend a lot of money on me...

It's soo nice seeing her be so caring!

This is honestly more than I deserve!

I for sure need a way to pay him the money back even though I am pretty sure he just feels guilty that he let me on the roof alone.

Needless to say, I was soo happy getting out of the hell hole they call hospital. They ran a couple of tests on me only to realize that they had no clue what was wrong with my memories. As a hospital I would have sued every single of them because of quirk discrimination but this was the world we live in and I grew up in.

Mom: Bunny, you ready for school?

Me: Ah yeah.

What a great start in this world!

First, I scare a UA teacher and underground hero... which was great when I think about it.

Then I go nearly telling them what I know from my past...

I really should be careful not to tell anything about it. I mean I do know a little bit of the future after all.

As if me being hospitalized and dealing with everything wasn't enough, I also attacked All Might out of my hate for the one in my world.

Just great!

He isn't even like the other All Might at all.

He was pretty nice and carrying. Though I am pretty sure that it was only him feeling guilty but still... he brought me some decent food.

Now after that crazy week and me just accepting the fact that I ended up in a parallel world, I need to go to school?!


I hated that school!

Can't I just fake being sick?!

I don't want to see that Dandelion.

I swear if he calls me Deku I am gonna punch him in the face and break his nose!

Mom: Izu?

Me: Hm?

Mom: You just froze in place.

Me: Oh sorry, I was just thinking.

Mom: And you didn't even mumble...

Me: Did I mumble before?

Mom: Ohh you little bunny would go on a frequent mumbling spree and freeze up just like now.

Me: Oh that sounds bothering.

Mom: Oh no. It was quite entertaining listening to you even if I didn't understand most of it but still I always tried keeping track with you.

Me: Thanks mom for doing that!

Mom: Do you know your way to school or do you want me to drive you there?

Me: You work in the opposite direction so this isn't convenient. Besides you did show me the way yesterday so I'll be fine.

Mom: Okay. Text me when you get back home.

Me: I will.

You can't expect me to do that!

I won't be returning home this early.

I will be going to that wasteland of a beach.

It was such a beautiful sight when it was all cleaned up.

Might as well do that. It was a good training after all.

Might as well get some stuff for building some light grenades.

As I was thinking that I went to school and I could only say that I was lucky that no one bothered me at all and I really haven't seen Kacchan at all. However, the moment I went into the classroom, I was lucky to see that I was the first one there but that wasn't for long. I went to my desk and laid there. To be honest I didn't know if that was my seat or not but there was only one way to find out.

I laid there peacefully and just rested there until I felt the classroom fill up and could hear a lot of people chatting. In one moment I was peacefully on my desk listening to what other people are saying and in the next one I punch Bakugo because he grabbed me by the shoulder.


Me: I could ask you the same Dandelion!


Me: A huge angry ass Pomeranian, you moron!!!

I already punched him in his gut but now I punched him right into his face and broke his nose by the feeling and the blood coming off it. My timing couldn't be any perfect because the moment I punched him, he went down and fall over another student behind him and a teacher just saw everything.

Teacher: MIDORIYA!!!

Me: Yes, that's my name.

Teacher: To the principal's office NOW!

Me: Yes, Mister I know everything!

Like seriously!

This was only self-defense!

He didn't have to grab me by the shoulder.

He also didn't have to scream Deku at me.

Fine I may or may not just went overboard but welp I can help it!

I can't stand that guy acting all high and mighty when he has zero brains to begin with!

Sure, he knows how to do a couple of things but who the heck screams literally DIE at someone?

Oh, wait that's the Dandelion from my world.

Meh! I bet all my money that this one is the same.

The teacher went over to me and tried to grab me but all I did was grab the teacher's wrist in self-defense and twisted it. However, I didn't stop there as I swooped him of the ground and just stepped over him.

Me: I know my way around, thank you very much!

And just like that I left the room and went to the principal's office skipping and happily jumping away. I mean I just punched Bakugo and called him a Dandelion and a Pomeranian and I got away without getting burned. It was something. Still, it was good to see that my childhood abuser was still the same and I could reverse the roles this time and make his life hell every time he touches, calls or even looks at me the wrong way. This felt great.

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