Ch2: A Jasperly Confrontation

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~ Swellview Park ~

Ray was sitting on one of the benches, with Mindy in his arms.

He had Mindy covered up by a blanket that was red with a white embroidery.

Plus, it had the Captain Man logo on it.

Mindy whined as Ray's right breast was getting low on milk.

She unlatched and looked at him from underneath the blanket.

Ray saw her and took the blanket off from around the little girl version of him.

"You okay, sweetie?" He asked her after placing the side of the gray t-shirt back to normal.

Mindy pointed at Ray's right breast, trying to communicate to him.

Ray looked in the direction of his right breast and then, he immediately understood what she was trying to say.

"I know that the right one is running low on milk but, just as soon as we get to Henry's, I'll have a talk with your mom and let him fix the situation, okay?" He said, hoping that'll calm Mindy down.

Mindy nodded her head yes and began to cuddle with him.

Ray looked down at her and smiled.

While Ray was cuddling with Mindy, Henry, Charlotte and Jasper came walking up to him.

Charlotte and Jasper kept quiet as Henry now sat down right next to Ray.

"Hey, man." Henry said as Ray was now looking up from cuddling with his daughter.

Ray smiled but then sighed.

"Oh... Um hey, Henry." He said, while trying to keep his baby girl calm in his arms.

Henry then looked at Charlotte and Jasper, who were silently arguing about something.

"Please don't say it..." Charlotte said, knowing what Jasper was about to do.

"Captain Man!" Jasper said, excitedly.

Ray groaned.

Mindy cried and screamed.

"Whoops. Sorry." Jasper said, apologizing.

Ray sighed.

"It's okay, Son." He said, now cradling Mindy in his arms.

The scene began to get quiet.

"So, Ray..." Charlotte began to say, now looking at Henry.

Ray looked at Charlotte and Henry while also keeping his eyes on Mindy and Jasper.

"Yes?" He responded as he got out a pacifier and placed it into fussy Mindy's mouth.

"Are you excited for the baby shower tonight?" Henry asked, with a reassuring smile as Ray now got up with Mindy.

"Yes. I'm very excited. I've never been to a baby shower before." Ray said, after Jasper placed the diaper bag on Ray's shoulder and arm, safe and sound.

Henry looked at Charlotte and smiled.

"Well... This'll be your first and you are the star parents of it." Charlotte said, in an explanation as they were walking towards the front entrance of the park.

Mindy was sucking on the pacifier.

Ray smiled at her and then looked at Jasper, who was carrying the pink gift bag.

"So, Son... What's in that gift bag that you are carrying?" He asked, looking between Mindy and the bag.

Jasper smiled at him.

"I'm glad that you asked. I got some great stuff and then, I found two Captain Man themed things. You know... Since she's Captain Man's baby girl..." He said, very excited.

Mindy looked at Jasper as Ray groaned.

Jasper smiled and winked at Mindy.

Mindy giggled.

"Jasper?" Ray said, while they were now about to enter the parking lot, where his Man Van was parked at.

Jasper looked from the cute baby over to Ray.

"Yes, Captain?" He said as Ray was now multitasking between handling Mindy and unlocking the Man Van.

Ray gritted his teeth when Jasper said 'Captain' but, he groaned silently.

After he got the Man Van unlocked, he opened the slider door and saw that Mindy's baby seat was right behind the driver's seat.

Just before Ray was about to put his little baby girl in, he looked at Jasper.

"I can't wait." He said, with a smile.

Jasper smiled back while Henry was on the other side of Mindy's baby seat, ready to help Ray.

He hoped that Ray was going to like the gifts that he got for Mindy.


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2021 ⏰

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