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The Teen Fiction Results are here!

1st Position goes to:
Angle Full of Flowers by writingjuniper

2nd Position goes to:
Sun Catch Her by ThreeRiversDeep259

3rd Position goes to (it's a tie!):
Hidden Threat by anyvauthor
The Wildflower and the wildfire by lifeasd


Congratulations to all the winners! Please PM your discord or email ID to me, Calista_Evangeline to collect your stickers.

Thank you so much to all the judges for taking the time and effort TessaIsDumb, iburnrice, ThelmaAdekunle and wandering_stardust to judge!

To all the other participants, please don't be disheartened if you didn't win. All of you are very talented and your time will come too. You just have to keep on working hard and not give up! To appreciate your hard work, we're also giving participant stickers. You can go to the 'STICKERS' chapter to know how to collect it.


Now, here are the reviews of all the books entered in the romance genre in no particular order:

Book: The Girl of the Rumors
Author: RoyalN_7
Title: 5/5
Cover: 4/5
Blurb: 3/5
Plot: 10/15
Spelling: 8/15
Character Development: 7/15
Flow: 7/15
Writing Style: 8/15
Enjoyment: 6/10
Total: 58/100
The plotline is original but very confusing and the spellings were off it needs a little more editing.


Book: Embrace the Storm
Author: SeekingMyMuse
Title: 5/5
Cover: 3/5
Blurb: 3/5
Plot: 13/15
Spelling: 15/15
Character development: 15/15
Flow: 10/15
Writing Style: 15/15
Enjoyment: 7/10
Total: 69/100
I really enjoyed reading it. The cover could use a bit more work though cause covers attracts readers.


Book: The Disappointed Kid
Author: mellimack
Title: 5/5
Cover: 5/5
Blurb: 4/5
Plot: 11/15
Spelling: 15/15
Character Development: 15/15
Flow: 10/15
Writing Style: 10/15
Enjoyment: 7/10
Total: 82/100
I really loved the characters and the plotline was original but the blurb could use some work.


Book: Getting My Girl
Author: covergirlxox
Title: 5/5
Cover: 5/5
Blurb: 3/5
Plot: 10/15
Spelling: 10/15
Character Development: 10/15
Flow: 10/15
Writing Style: 10/15
Enjoyment: 5/10
Total: 68/100
It was sort of cliché but it was still a nice enemies to lovers trope.

The Blue Moon Awards 2021 (Judging)Where stories live. Discover now