Part 2: Old gang back together

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Mentioning dead parents and boyfriend.

-in the morning-

Angelos POV:
It is the ✨morning✨. I woke up and realized that Im a dumbass, that I didnt tell you how I look like. Well, Dan told you that I have sky blue eyes and somewhat messy hair. What can I tell you about myself? I already told you that Im 200 cm tall. Everyone is tall in my family so yeah. I got eyes from my dad, but my hair is not yellow/blue as others think. It is actually red/ginger on my moms side so I got it. My look is on both parents, mix of both to be honest. Others say that my eyes and my hair dont go together but I cant help it. Its genetics, I cant just pick a wand to change it like some fairy, can I?
Anyways, my clothing style is...random. I wear sweatpants most of the time. Dont judge me, theyre comfortable and I can do almost everything in them. For shirt...I just wear what I find. T-shirt, long sleeved shirt, sweatshirt, anything. Well, Im not gonna wear T-shirt in the winter or long sleeves in summer. I just meant that I wont spend alot of time thinking how will I put my combination together. I mean, I always wear sweatpants so theres not really that much options.
For shoes I usually wear sneakers or some boots when its raining outside cause of the mud. It is currently still raining, but its not hell outside. Its time to go walk my dogs.
"Alright guys, wanna go for a walk?" I asked them as I was getting up. Some where happy, but some werent. They wanted to stay inside.
"Cmon guys. You know you cant stay inside cause youre gonna start peeing and shitting in here and we all dont want that because youre all gonna start peeing on that one spot to keep your scent and Im gonna need 2 weeks to clean it like the first time. And I seriously dont want that again.", they were all looking at me, "So, were all going out? If yes, get in asembly and I'll put your rain suits on.". They all started going one behind another as I was getting their suits cause I realized it is much better to have them get only their legs wet instead the whole body. I dont have to waste alot of time helping them get dry and then wont get sick. Its a win win for everyone.
When I finally put suits on everyone, I grabbed my jacket, left Dan a note in case he wakes up while Im out and unlocked the doors. While they were getting out, I put my jacket on and took the keys. How can I lock my house if I dont have the keys tho? I dont want anyone breaking in while Im away. Not while Dan is inside.
"Alright, you guys ready?", they were just looking at me, "Alright, Ill make you some boots too. But after we get home from walk, okay?". They all nooded and started walking all over place to do what they have to. While they were walking and doing what they usually do, I was thinking about last night, about me and Dan. Nothing serious happened, just few kisses, then we were making out and I made him some hickies. He said hes not ready for sex yet and I respect that. For me that wouldnt be a problem(Im talking about sex)cause I have experience. I had a boyfriend few years ago. We met when I was 15 years old in our school. Well, highschool actually. He was 16 years old at that time. Year older, nothing scary. At the beggining we were just friends but only after a year we became a couple. I was 16 years old and he was 17 years old. He had short black hair with 1 red and 1 yellow stripe. Im pretty sure he dyed it himself. His eyes were hazel and he had dimples and alot of freckles. His look was wierd, but thats what caught my eye. And his personality. He was very kind, caring, he had a good heart and always wanted to help. He didnt really care that Im very taller than him. I was 184 cm at that time and je was only 176 cm. Of course we had sex. We had alot of sex cause Im a ✨whore✨. He was dominant and the things he did...God, I get extra horny just thinking about them.
You probably noticed that Im talking about him in the past. Thats cause he died when I was 20 years old, few days after my parents died. He went missing and then few days kater, they found his body. Yall can probably imagine how fucked I was when that happened. Losing 3 important people in a span of few days and being left alone on this world. Yea, I had Dan and Jake, and I still do, but you cant really compare best friends to parents and boyfriend. Yes, they know about Lilka(that was my boyfriends name). Of course they would know tho, theyre my best friends. They even helped me get better and Im very thankfull cause of that. I dont know what would I do without them.
"Rosie! Stop bullying your siblings!" I suddenly shouted cause she keeps pushing them and jumping on them. Shes such a bully. To be honest, I think thats more of a play or something like that but still. Its harsh.
Others also started playing. Chasing each other, pulling branches, chasing other animals and so on. Its not that hard taking care of 10 dogs if you have a schedule youre following. For me its...full. For example, I take them for a long walks in the morning and in the evening. Afternoon is for playing and sleeping. Since its raining now, I wont take them out on a long walks cause they could get sick and I dont want that.

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