Ugly truth

3 2 0

"Love me"

a demand
a desperate attempt at an order
a plea

I shed my clothes in front of you
Pretending I have a choice in stripping off my dignity

It's never too late to run 
But I've blown up every every hiding place within a worlds range

I'm just wearing this one last armor
And when I realize I'm still protected

I strip my skin off too

And at one word from the hellfire that is your lips
I'll peel the flesh from my skull and open the lid to my head so you can see my naked mind as well

So you can know the torture you put me through that I accept as if it was a treasure

The "Take me or leave me" written on my flesh
The "Please don't leave me" branded in my bones
The "love me" hanging in the air

My heartbeat echoing between you and the silence

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