"And, what was it like being a commander?"

"Challenging. Rewarding. I'm guessing Wynonna would say the same."

"Wynonna is not one for communicating. She leaves that to her sister."

"I am honoured to know Wynonna. She is a credit to you."

"And, when did you know you loved my daughter?"

Waverly gasped. "Mother, please. You're as bad as Wynonna."

"The moment I met her. The moment she saved my life. The moment we mixed. The moment I let her go. The moment I got her back. Each deeper than the previous."

"Waverly is very lucky to have you."

"Seriously, dying of embarrassment over here." Waverly interrupted.

"I never knew I could feel this way for anyone."

"Can we please, please stop talking about my love life. More food anyone?"

Waverly's mother stood. "You have a beautiful energy Nicole. You radiate love, but I can see you are tired. Let me show you to your room."

Nicole followed, looking back at Waverly, wondering which room she would be sleeping in. Waverly was deep in conversation with her father, a concerned look on her face. She wanted to stay. She decided it best to follow Waverly's mother. She lay on the bed taking in the room, hoping it was Waverly's, but it so easily could have been Wynonna's. Star charts, war heroes, drawings, whoever owned this room was an amazing artist. Native animals and plants, intricate details observed, recorded with fine lines.

Her eyes closed. Her body telling her to get some rest. She had taken a few chemical sachets from the ship, having come to rely on them for switching off her mind. Not this night. She wanted to stay awake for Waverly. She fought sleep for as long as she could. It won. She had been asleep for a few hours when the action of Waverly getting into bed startled her.

"Sorry. Didn't mean to wake you."

"What were you talking about with your father?"

"Nothing. It can wait."

Nicole sat up. "Tell me, or you'll get the Eyes."

"He wants one of us to take over the farm. I suggested Willa. Wynonna will never leave the military. You know how much fun she has twisting Legion round her little finger. Her new plaything."

"She's very good at getting what she wants. Like her little sister."

"Who says I want you?"

"That's it, you're getting the Eyes."

"Shush, my parents will hear," sending both into a fit of giggles.

...---... ...---... ...---...

Waverly's mother packed enough food for a major expedition. She hugged her husband, tears streaming down her face, their long goodbye observed by Nicole. How she had wanted her own parents to be this loving, this caring.

It was a two day journey. They would spend the first driving to the edge of Argon, camping at a spot Waverly's father knew well. The second would be more arduous, trekking on foot through a hostile terrain, their intention to reach the Eye of Argon by nightfall. They made camp as the sun was setting. Nicole helped to start the fire, a new and fascinating task, Waverly laying out the food to be cooked.

Waverly's father held out a canister. "My own brew. It's strong. Not too much at first."

Nicole took a swig, immediately coughing, realising how Wynonna could drink red so easily. She attempted to say thank you, her throat continuing to have spasms from whatever she had just consumed.

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