Talk Nerdy to Me

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Oklahoma Christian School, the bane of Tyler Lane’s existence but also where she found what she loved.

Tyler sat down in her normal chair in the first row of her algebra II class, tucking her red-tinted hair behind her ear and kept her head down. As a sophomore, she was the only non-upperclassman in the entire class. Sometimes, it really sucked being somewhat (okay, a lot) socially awkward and smarter than everyone else around you.

School was so much fun for Tyler, and she knew how lucky she was to be offered a quality education. Coming from a lower class working family, she’d watched her dad (a mechanic) and her mom (a secretary) work their asses off to ensure she had every opportunity she could to succeed in life. Her older brother Tim wasn’t going to college. He’s already enlisted in the Marines and would be shipping out to boot camp directly after his graduation in May.

But Tyler had big aspirations for her future. She wanted to go to college—she’d been decorating her room in Oklahoma Sooner gear since she’d watched her first football game—and she wanted to excel. She wanted to make all A’s and make it into law school. Her ultimate goal was to be a prosecutor or a district attorney for a major city where she’d be challenged on the daily.

She had to make it out of Oklahoma first.

The class room got a little noisy when a pack of boys came in from the hallway. They were each dressed almost identical with ICS basketball t-shirts and gym shorts. A slight flush covered Tyler’s cheeks when she glanced over at them. Her eyes found the tallest one first.

Blake Griffin. Even with the acne and the ear rings, he was still the hottest guy in Oklahoma. Probably in the entire world as far as Tyler was concerned.

As if he felt her eyes on him, or just by that weird chance that always seemed to happen, as soon as Tyler’s eyes went to his face, Blake turned his head away from the black boy he was laughing with to find her. He was smiling, eyes squinted a little, and it sent more blood flooding to her cheeks in embarrassment because he’d caught her looking even though it hadn’t been intentional.

She dropped her eyes quickly to her desk. Why had she even allowed herself to look? It was only asking for trouble.

The boys got settled in their seats as they usually did just as their teacher, little old Mrs. Glover, walked into the room. She was carrying a stack of papers, their tests from the previous week and a packet for them to work on, which brought a lot of groans from most of the class.

“Oh, don’t you start with me. This last test was not good, you guys. And it wasn’t even that difficult.” She started weaving through the rows of desks to hand back the tests. “We’re having a review day. You can work in groups, and I’m giving you a chance to earn extra credit because Lord knows you all need it. Well, except for Tyler.”

All the eyes in the room came to rest on her. She got a little nervous and her stomach churned. She was horrible with attention being placed on her. Absolutely horrible.

Mrs. Glover handed her test back to her with a smile. “Great job.”

Tyler looked down at the test to see “100” written in bright red in the top right hand corner of the paper just under her name. A sense of pride and accomplishment flooded through her, and she glanced around beneath her lashes to see a number of her neighbors leaning this way and that attempting to see what she had made.

"Dude, how’d you get a hundred?” It was a boy she knew, oh, what was his name? Tucker!

“I, um, I like math,” Tyler said shyly.

“You like this stuff?” Blake asked. Her heart gave a nervous stutter in her chest. He was looking at her. Oh God, he was talking to her. “This is torture.”

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