스물하나: anyday everyday

Start from the beginning

"Jungkook, are you alright?" A gentle whisper came from Sohae's side, and when Jungkook pivoted to corroborate that what he had assumed was indeed correct, her orbs tremendously shimmering in concern caught his attention.

Why was she, the one with whom he had been relentlessly bickering with, worrying over him? And why was not the one whom Jungkook had given his all in the last three years, deeming herself as a monster upon giving him a cold shoulder?

Had life always been this intricate to get hang of?

"Yea—yeah, I'm fine. Actually, you know what, Sohae? I just figured out that this isn't where we had intended to land in the first place. We won't find him in here." Jungkook informed, earning a disgruntled whine from one of the two females who were still there.

"What? Wasn't the spell specifically designed for us to arrive right around Jungkook's location? Spells never go wrong, how is this happening then?" Soeun— letting her curiosity run wild— unintentionally splurted out every query constituting the whirlwind that was currently developing in her head, her brows starting to intertwine into one when none of the two adults prioritized quenching her thirst for explanations.

"It could've been because... maybe Jungkook was here a while ago?" Sohae suggested, albeit the disagreement etched across Jungkook's face intimated her of her deduction being not-so-accurate in the end.

"Sure, Haesoo meets up with the man who looks exactly like me, but can't refrain herself from kicking me out of her sight when it's me instead who turns up before her. You may be spot on there. Impressive theory, Sohae." Jungkook derision would have sounded a lot more hilarious had it been made keeping a more suitable timing in consideration.

And this very moment was precisely not it.

"Haesoo, huh? You know that woman?" Sohae deadpanned, and the addressed male swore his goosebumps would have appeared to be flagrantly noticeable if he was not wearing a full-sleeved pullover.

"Why, of course... she's my ex. The root of it all!" Jungkook exclaimed defensively out of nowhere, spurring both the witches to jump on their spots.

"Jungkook," Soeun interceded, standing between the two warring beings warily, "there's a much important issue at hand right now. Both of you have brains, then why the fuck are you not putting them to use? Can't you see that we have to hunt down Jungkook first? You both can squabble later on, when the work's done for Hell's sake!" Soeun's severe reproof ultimately worked on them both, with Sohae commencing to mutter spells under her breath, and Jungkook swiveling his gaze away for the rather surprising motive of caving in to the gravity as he eventually lowered his head in gloom.

Just a matter of time and the trio was swallowed by air once again, a zapping reverberation accompanying their departure.

If Jungkook and Sohae were aware of the entity who had been eavesdropping on their argument the entire time, mayhap they had wanted to save it for later. Even Soeun, who had disclosed the strategic information only in good faith, would have preferred for someone to shut her up in time.

But, what even was the use now, when the person had managed to register every single bit of those details?


"Oh my God, I can't believe I'm finally home!" Jungkook scampered about the haphazard furniture in the now-disgustingly untidy apartment of his, although truthfully, he could not care less. He was extremely thrilled to have been able to step into his dear home at last, and nothing in the world would he consider convincing enough for him to contain his exhilaration now.

An unprecedented cough subsequently erupted from Sohae, who then resumed, "Soeun, tell this man that our mission hasn't ended yet."

"Not you kids again." Soeun grumbled distastefully while proceeding towards the kitchen, halting in her tracks the next minute itself as she absorbed the mess in front of her— wide-eyed, "Has Jungkook always been this dirty? What is this?" She scoffed incredulously, recognizing which, the extra two people rushed into the scene too.

What ensued the discovery was not something that the two sisters must have looked forward to nevertheless.

"No— That jerk! Not my banana milk! He didn't even clean up after sucking everything out of them, what a pig!" Jungkook grouched at the spectacle of about a dozen of his favorite banana milk cartons lying around disorderly, resorting to cussing internally at the one behind it because apparently, he was not satisfied with the curses he had already aimed at him.

"Is it just me or has he grown over-dramatic in this past one hour?" Sohae mumbled to Soeun, whilst simultaneously also being watchful of Jungkook's regard of them.

When Soeun just shrugged her shoulders in cluelessness— as a response to Sohae's query— the latter pursed her lips in rumination. In this awkward moment of overbearing silence, the older witch's mind possibly experienced levitation, for her feet unfolded to navigate their course around the house themselves, leading her to abruptly terminate her tread after a while— only when she happened to run into an unconscious body in the process.

Roaming around in a human's house had not stricken Sohae as actually benumbing, at least prior to this. But now that she had identified the lifeless figure that she came to stumble upon, the female decided to altogether abandon her nonchalant front for good; a well-calculated, horrified shriek emanating from her as a result. Sohae was swift in curbing the disturbing noise that she had elicited, yet that did not end up being sufficient not to stimulate the other two into taking notice of her. Jungkook and Soeun had charged into her direction instantaneously, their perspicacious approach towards the circumstance eventually mitigating her consternation.

"Hey, isn't that— what the hell? That's me!" Mumbling left and right without bothering about the other two people even paying him the required heed or not, Jungkook's floundering plod and reasoning corresponded each other as he progressed towards the said body.

However, before he could get past the threshold and intrude into the room, Sohae held his arm— the tugging sensation precipitating him to spare her a dubious look.

Sighing heavily, Sohae fathomed his unsaid message that lingered in the air, speaking further, "Yes, that's the Jungkook whom we were searching for, you concluded that right. I don't think he stays as much of a threat to our worlds anymore, though."

"What do you mean? Are you trying to say that the Ninth Eldritch Terror was nothing but a hoax?" Soeun interjected, utter skepticism lacing her voice.

"I don't know about that, but Jungkook over there..." Sohae trailed off, fueling an unappeasable fire of intrigue within the other two, "He's probably dead."


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also,, i'm just wondering but in case any of you is still not aware of the new update schedule of this book, i post chapters on fridays as well! pls don't forget to check out the book on fridays too! pls leave votes and lots of comments, and make sure to have a lovely day. thank you!💘

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