Field trip and a nervous friend

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Published: September 10th

3rd POV

Percy was riding the bus to her new school.  Yancy academy for the troubled or something like that. It had grades 1 through 12. 

"What's a little kid doing on the big kid's side of the bus?" Someone asked, spotting Percy slouching in her seat, trying to be unnoticeable.

"Same as you are, going to school," Percy said.

"How old are you? Four? Look, kid, just leave." She said.

Percy examined the girl she was talking to. She seemed like a nice girl, and Percy hoped she was. She only had one friend, and they were going to two very different schools, One in Utah, the other in New York.

"You're a kid too. You won't legally become an adult until you're 18 so we're both kids." Percy said. 

"Say, what your name?" Percy asked.

"Clarisse la Rue, and why do you care?" 

"Well, we can't be friends if I don't know your name!" Percy said, sliding over so that Clarisse could sit next to her. Clarisse stared at her. 

"How old are you?" Clarisse asked.

"11. You?" Percy said.

"I'm 13" Clarisse said.

"Cool! I'm turning 12 this year so we're pretty much the same age!" Percy said, smiling. She had made a friend on the first day at a new school

"You been going to this school long?" Percy inquired. 

Clarisse shook her head. "I just moved here from Phoenix, Arizona. Today's my first. I used to go to a public school,  after my adventure a few years ago my mom was concerned for my safety." Clarisse said.

"What is this 'adventure' you mentioned?" Percy asked, peering at the girl.

"I shouldn't tell you," Clarisse said, shaking her head.

"How about if we trade secrets! I can tell you something I've never told anyone before, and you can tell me about your adventure!" Percy said, bouncing. Maybe she shouldn't have eaten that chocolate bar before a two-hour bus ride.

Clarisse smiled. "Sure, but once we get to the school. Hey! Do you think we might be roomies?" Clarisse asked, smiling.

"If you want to be we could. You get to choose who your roomie is, or you could ask the teachers to pick for you. And since we're in the same grade we could probably ask! I researched the school before I came." Percy said, bouncing uncontrollably now.

"Let's request each other than," Clarisse said. 

"Yeah. Let's do that." Percy said.

"...and you will all have to check the billboards to find out who you will bunk with. " Mrs. Dodds said. "I do not want to find out a student has been wasting the time of any teachers! You will all have different roommates than last semester!"

Percy walked in the middle of a group of kids towards the billboard. A kid ran into her making her fall down.

"Watch where ya going!" Percy squeaked, holding her head.

"Percy?" The kid Percy ran into asked. Percy looked up.

"Grover! What are you doing here? I thought you went to Sasquatch(Wasatch) middle school(Utahns might know of this school, except it's an elementary school, not middle)!" Percy said.

Grover shrugged. "Got expelled," Grover said. Percy grinned.

"Welcome to the club!" Percy said, sticking her hand out.

The two friends then decided to walk the rest of the way to the billboard together, catching up.

When the two reached the billboard Percy ran up to Clarisse, spotting her friend.

"Did we get it?" Percy asked. Clarisse nodded.

"Get what?" Grover asked catching up to Percy.

"Grover, meet my roomie!" Percy said pointing at Clarisse.  She Waved as if she knew him waved.

"'Sup, Grover," Clarisse said, nodding her head in acknowledgment 

"Who is our other roomie going to be?" Clarisse asked Percy.

"Um...lemme go check," Percy said and dashed away.

Percy came sprinting back, a huge grin on her face.

"Grover," Percy said acknowledging the boy. The boy nodded back.

"Cool, wanna go find our room?" Grover asked.


"Come on! You said you would tell me!" Percy whined. 

"I thought It over and decided against it. You cant change my mind." Clarisse said.

"Please," Percy begged with her baby seal eyes.

"No. And my decision is final." Clarisse said making the matter be closed.

"Fine," Percy said admitting defeat.

"Dinner's ready," Grover said poking his head inside the room. 

"Coming!" Percy said grabbing her fanny pack. What? They can be useful. I myself am going to be asking for one for my birthday. My purse is too clunky. Right, Percy?


Fine, just ignore me.

"You're being weird! Plus, didn't I say to stop breaking the fourth wall?"


"Just go back to narrating."


The trio soon became the unstoppable trio because the magic number is always three. I mean think about it. Percy Grover Annabeth. Harry Hermione Ron. Leo Jason Piper. Percy Hazel Frank. There's more but I can't think right now.

D end!!! Okay, Percy is in 7nth grade. So are Clarrisse and Grover. The book happened the same way. Annie is still a girl! And i will only write parts of the book that are different. 

Please Vote and comment!!! It gives me the motivation to keep writing!

Also, if you could please  check out my others stories that would mean allot to me! 

Word count: 843

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