Natasha Romanoff

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3rd POV

Six-year-old Persephone Jackson was running along the beach collecting seashells. Her mother, watched from afar, waiting for her sister to come to take her child. Sally Jackson was dying. She had been, for the last year. She knew that any day now, she would be gone from this world, so she was going to send her daughter to live with her sister. Sure, her sister was an assassin, but she had a soft spot for her niece, and Sally knew that she would do all in her power to make her life wonderful.
Though, that did not make this event any less heart-breaking. Her daughter might not have any memories with her mother, and she would never get to watch her daughter grow up into the beautiful young woman she knew she would become.

Sally heard a commotion behind her. Turning around she saw her sister. They had only known each other for a few years when Natasha was sent to the red room and Sally was put up for adoption. But they were sisters nonetheless.

"Sally," Natasha said acknowledging her sister.

"Natasha, are you sure you can take care of her? I don't want my daughter to be a burden." Sally said approaching her sister. 

"I'm sure I can. I didn't get to know you, but at least I'll get to know your daughter." Natasha said smiling sadly at her sister.

"Don't worry. I'll make sure she'll have the life that you wanted her to have." Natasha said, hugging her sister.

"The-there's something I need to tell you," Sally said, pulling away from the hug. She knew it was a rare occasion that Natasha showed emotion, so she was grateful to know that she would be there for her daughter. "But not here, not now," Sally said, looking around her. "Tomorrow, at noon, at the hospital, come alone." Sally turned around and started towards her daughter, who was playing in the water.

"Mama!" The little girl cried, putting her arms out, signifying that she wanted to be lifted. Sally grabbed her daughter's hand and gently led her towards where the little girl's aunt was standing.

"Percy, meet your aunt. You're going to be staying with her for a while." Sally said bending to the same level as her daughter. She then took off the shawl she had been wearing and gently wrapped it around her daughter. Though it looked more like a cloak on the six-year-old child.

"Are you going to be okay mama?" Percy asked. She could tell that her mother wasn't looking too healthy.

"You always were too clever for your own good!" Sally exclaimed, smiling at her daughter adoringly, "Honey, I'm not coming back. I'm dying." Sally said, knowing that her daughter doesn't like it when people beat around the bush without getting to the point.

"I know," Percy said, surprising her mother.

"How?" She asked.

"You really should lower the volume on your phone calls if you're trying to be discreet," Percy said, smirking slightly until she realized that this was the last time she was seeing her mom. She then hugged her mom tightly. "I'll miss you," Percy mumbled, tears starting to flow down her round face.

"I'll miss you too," Sally said, rubbing her daughter's back. A car then approached the trio and a man approached. "Mam, we're here to take you to the hospital." Sally nodded saying goodbye to her sister as she walked away seeing her daughter for the last time.

Natasha walked towards a house that Fury had got for her once he heard she would be taking in a child. Gripping the little girl's hand she unlocked the door looking around to make sure no one followed them.

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