15 1 6

AN!!! There's mentions of drugs in this chapter and I understand that can be a sensitive topic to some people so here is a TW. Enjoy!

Walking into school wasn't as bad as yesterday because I didn't have Harry by my side to ruin my mood.

Zayn actually picked me up so we could get Starbucks because I was too lazy to make coffee this morning. I mean I'm always lazy so there's no surprise there.

But Zayn was actually kind enough to pay for our food and drinks once again. But he's being really sweet and I appreciate it so much because I've been super fucking stressed lately.

But I'm trying to forget all about Harry and focus on the present. I take a sip of my drink and look over at Zayn as he drives us to school.

The way that his lips are parted as he bops his head to the tune Blue Boy by Mac DeMarco is so fascinating. After I found out he listens to Mac DeMarco I just sat there with a huge grin on my face.

Another thing that makes someone attractive is their music taste. You cant tell me otherwise because being able to jam out to the same songs as someone is so much fun.

"Elle you there?" Zayn says waving a hand in front of my face.

"Yes I'm here, sorry" I apologize

"Don't apologize baby" he says as he places a hand on my knee.

His thumb starts tracing circles on my knee sending a fuzzy feeling down my spine.

I feel like things with Zayn feel so weird right now. I accidentally made it kind of official last night I think. "So are we like dating?" I ask him.

"If that's what you want to call it go ahead" he tells me. Thanks so much Zayn, that really helps.

"I mean I just don't want to label it. Boyfriend and girlfriend is much more official, you know?" I try and explain my thoughts.

"I get it. I think. But I really don't want you feeling like you have to do this with me. We can just be friends with benefits. Or I can be your shoulder to lean on" he suggests.

"I'm sorry" I blurt out "I'm sorry for somewhat leading you on but this isn't what I want. I don't want a relationship but I don't want this to end" I say

Zayn's mouth forms into an 'o' shape with raised eyebrows.

"Don't call me baby. It makes me feel as though we're in a relationship and I just don't like that feeling" I tell Zayn

"Any other rules Elle?" He asks amused

"Yes actually. Don't hold my hand or touch my waist. Oh! And please Z, don't rub circles on my leg. It gives me butterflies"

He pulls his hand off my leg faster than I can blink. He's always been big on respecting women since he has a younger sister. So I think it'll kill him if he ever makes someone uncomfortable.

As we approach school I see everyone already rushing inside. I pull out my phone to check the time and it's 7:38am.

"Fuck Z! The bell rings in fucking 2 minutes!" I almost yell.

Rushing out of the car I drop my coffee on the ground so I pick up the cup and throw it in the trash can by the front doors.

Zayn and I are both running up the steps and not even think twice before pushing people out of our way. We don't even bother going to our lockers knowing it'll make us late to homeroom.

After we split up to go to first period I find myself already missing his company. The thing about Zayn is he's really fun to be around. He just radiates good energy.

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