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By the time I got to Zayn's house it was seven at night.

I knocked on his door and after a few seconds of waiting he answered the door.

"Noelle?" He questioned my appearance.

"Hey. Can we talk?" I asked

"Yeah for sure! Come in." Zayn said

We walked up his stairs and turned to the left before we got to his bedroom.

We both walked into his room and sat on his bed.

He has a nice room.

"So apparently Harry loves Chloe" I blurt out

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"So apparently Harry loves Chloe" I blurt out

"Yeah he told me" Zayn says

So he told Zayn first. I thought we promised we'd tell eachother everything right when it happened.

"I was gonna tell him I liked him" I tell Zayn

I was as close to Zayn as Harry was but I feel like I could open up to Zayn.

"Oh Elle, are you okay?" Zayn asked

"I mean how stupid could I be?"


"I really thought I had a chance with him" I scoffed


"Well I should've know he was going to pick a pretty blonde girl-

"Elle!" Zayn yelled

I looked over at him. He look stressed

"Noelle you're beautiful okay? Please don't ever compare yourself to Chloe." Zayn told me

"Thanks Zayn." I said sincerely.

"Hey how about you spend the night" He suggests.

"Take me on a date first will you?" I joke

"Would you want to?" He asks nervously.

"I mean I was joking but-

"No yeah right. It was stupid forget I said that" he rambles

"Okay" I laugh

He leaves his room to go get blankets and pillows for me.

His room is kinda small so I don't know where I'm gonna sleep. I mean sharing a bed with Zayn wouldn't be too bad.

He comes back interrupting my thoughts.

"You can take my bed. I'll sleep out on the couch-

"Don't be stupid, I'll sleep on the floor" I state

"Elle, I don't want you sleeping on my floor"

"Well I don't want you to sleep on the couch." I say. We both stare at eachother until one of us gives up.

"How about we both sleep in your bed. It looks big enough." I suggest to him. "I mean if you're okay-

"Yes! I mean yeah, it'll be fine. I just don't want to make you uncomfortable" he says

"Z it's fine. I mean I suggested it"

We both crawl in bed and tug the covers up to our chests. There's and awkward tension before we both turn away from eachother and drift of to sleep.

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