Trailer park boys ???

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At the farm house
Well woopty fucking doo look who we found says bill. I just stumbled across a couple folks throwing a party says Ellis. You threw a party says rick ? It's ok says Lori. Yea dawg it's all goodI don't trip you know what I'm sayyyin says j roc. Bang bang bang Ricky (from trailer park boys) runs in shooting at rick let my friend go says Ricky. Dawg I'm j r o c I'm good dawg you know what I'm sayyyyin. Let him the fuck go Ricky screams. We didn't kidnap him fam says rick. Why the fuck are you talking like that where are you from tor on TO says Ricky. Oh god with this tor on To it's tor on o are you dumb fam says rick. What the ducks your name you toronto bum says Ricky. It's rick wtf is yours says rick. My name is fucking Ricky who do you think you are stealing my name Ricky screams. Ricky cocks gun now their will only be one rick says as he put his gun to ricks head. Bang ahhh fuck who tf shot me Ricky screams. I did Carl says now shut the fuck up and look in the corner you greasy trailer park boy.
As night falls the survivors hear a lot of growling. Oh my god rick can you stop moaning so I can sleep Andrea says In a rude tone. Are you dumb fam that's not me and it's more like growling rick says. I'm just gonna go on a walk so I can get away from you two bucktees says dale. Dale walks for about 10 minutes on his way back ARRRGH. Rick runs out of the house dale is that you? Are you ok? Rick screams. Stay here Daryl says while running off. Dale is on the floor as a walker/bucktee bites into his neck. By the time Daryl gets their dale is dead getting devoured. No Daryl screams. Watch out rick yells. Bang bang. Thanks man Daryl says guys we gotta get out of here their everywhere.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2021 ⏰

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