The roof top disscusion

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The survivors watch in shock as dk speeds of into the sunset on his motor cycle. We gotta go after him the Toronto shordy Andrea says we have to go after him. Rick opens his mouth to reply to Andrea before Shane bumps in to their conversation we ain't gonna risk our lives for a dickhead like mk. Excuse me what about dk says Andrea man fuck dk shane says aggressively. We can't lose him shane says Andrea in a sassy voice. Alright so I'll go I'll bring glen and we'll go find Daryl ourselves says rick. Yo count me in fam I'm the one who lost the key so I'm coming. Yo are you dumb why do I got to get dragged around everywhere fam says Glenn. Cause you know your way around Toronto you've been trapping these streets long enough to know your way around Toronto fam says rick. Who told you I was a plug wasteman. Nobody? Says rick. You just ratted ur self out straight to the boydem says rick. Ok let's dip already fam says t dog .
-time skip
The door swings open as the survivors snake their way back onto the roof top. Where they see Daryl Dixon pacing back in fourth in panic. Yo dk what's wrong fam says glen. Mks gone Mann says dk. Wdym gone t dog says. Are you tweaking fam cause I know you don't see a body right their next to me so that means he's gone fam says dk. How'd he get away says glen. He cut his fucking hand off are you dumb fam says dk. So where do you think he is says rick. Probably the strip club or the cn tower fam theirs also a bag of guns in the middle of the street we should get well go through the sewers to get over to the strip club at young and dundass says glen. Yo fam what were you before this dk says. Ubereats driver in the morning and plug at night which you already know cause I ratted myself out earlier. Ok well let's go says rick.

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