one-shot 9. altair.

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Altair's POV. [future]

Her words had such venom laced around them, that he couldn't believe this was the Ivory he knew.

Has she changed that much?

As much as Altair hates Ivory, he was concerned about her new perspective. Hell, he almost wanted her old one back. The one where her ego was always taking control of her, the competitive one.

What was he feeling? Guilt? Pity?



Ivory's POV. [past]

"You are not worth of being an assassin! I do not understand how Master saw any skill in you." Altair added, looking away.

"It's not my fault I'm much more skilled than you." Ivory snapped back.

"No one agrees with you, Vidone, Mualim only felt pity when he saw you and took you with him. You should've never become as assassin." Altair said, slightly regretting his words seeing it hit Ivory hard.

Ivory never took his word to heart. All their arguments were always over silly stuff. But when this came out of Altair's mouth, she physically stepped back. She never believed she was bad at fighting. All the praise she got from her fellow assassins and Al Mualim himself, she never had to believe she was bad. But for some reason, when Altair said it, it hit her. They had both been fighting for the same amount of time. Always had competition everywhere they went. She hated to admit, Altair was quite skilled. It took her a while to learn his moves and deflect them. The only thing that motivated and brought her to where she was now, was her determination to kill her enemies. Now she was notoriously known amongst them as a threat. But that was what she wanted, right? To be feared? To be despised by the Templars? She couldn't remember what her goal was all along. She doesn't even have one. She only wanted revenge. And revenge is what she got. It was too late to back away now. She was too deep, her fate was settled.

She opened her mouth to snap back, as she normally would, but no words came out. Shutting it just as quickly, she walked away and disappeared before another word was said.

Altair raised his hand in attempt to stop her, but put it down. He never apologized for anything. No matter what it was. But watching her walk away, clearly hurt, made him have a wave of guilt wash over his face. He quickly wiped it away and went to training. So had she. Usually Altair and her would again quarrel like a silly old couple, but both refused to interact with each other. It was like they were strangers. Everyone, even the Master, was confused. But they never did anything about it. Ivory would fight with a straight face and attacked more vigorously than she used to. Altair grimaced, and almost missed her old self. Had his words hit her hard? Harder than anticipated?


Time skip to after supper.

Ivory walked into Master's office.

"Master, I'd like to speak with you about my upcoming mission." She informed in a monotone voice.

"What may it be?" He asked, turning to face her.

"I want to postpone it. Early tomorrow."

"The preparation for the raid would take too long. We can't finish it all in one night."

"I meant I want to do it by myself."

"Pardon?" Mualim asked, perplexed.

"The camp would most likely be outside of Jerusalem. If I happen to fail, I could outrun them in the city. Rather it be in the Kingdom, I would simply lose." She said plainly. It was an excuse, it wasn't entirely true. Yes, they would be outside of Jerusalem, but she has no plans on even attempting at outrunning them. She was going to kill every last one of them, whatever it took.

"Have you gone insane? More than 50 templars roam the areas! We all know you are one of the best assassins, but do not let it get to your head! You are dismissed."

"I insist. We-- I have a great opportunity. I am willing to risk it, Master." She pleaded, knowing even if he had said no she would sneak out.

"If you come back dead, do not blame me. Start preparing, Vidone." He sighed, turning back and facing his window.

She gave him a thankful smile, and wrapped her fist around the door knob.

"Vidone", She twisted her head to face him, "Good luck."


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2021 ⏰

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