one-shot #2. ezio.

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Ivory ran from roof to roof, barely grabbing onto the ledges, as she tried to get home before supper had grown cold.

She reached home with excitement ready to tell her mother about today's adventure, you see, Ivory's mother herself was just like Ivory growing up. She loved climbing, and had may friends. Ivory walked inside, skipping to the kitchen, where she knew mother would be. She called out to her mother. No answer. She called out questioningly. Again, no answer.

Until she walked in herself.

Ivory's mother, Scarlet, laid lifeless on the kitchen floor, blood streaming from her throat.

Her entire body felt stiff, she fell to her knees, and looked at her vigorously shaking palms. Hot tears came from her eyes, as her vision grew blurred. Until it actually hit her. Her mother was dead. Her best friend, her teacher, her everything was dead. She wiped her staining tears off her face, and stood up, eyes locked in front of her. She pulled out her dagger from her boot and held it at her side. She pushed her front door open and walked out, eyes looking straight and only straight. She didn't care what other people thought of her, having her dagger out and walking freely, oh no, she wanted revenge.

Guards gawked at her dagger, and some even were provoked, but Ivory kept walking, not taking a second to look at her surroundings. She climbed onto her favorite place, the garden on the roof.

It had flowers all around, especially tulips, her mother's favorite. Ivory picked one out, and smiled as a tear fell down her cheek. She remembered the memories, where she would give a flower to her mother no her birthday, and when her mother taught her how to fight with her dagger. Why would someone kill such an innocent woman? Why was Ivory's mother targeted? Why couldn't it be her? Her mother was always kind and caring, she never yelled at anyone, no matter the situation, why was she killed?

Ivory was sobbing by now, trembling of fear and shock, she couldn't bring herself to think without her mother. It was too much for her too handle. Until she felt a hand on her shoulder. She turned her stained face, to find herself looking at a man, around her age, smiling of sympathy. She tried to smile back, but she couldn't do it. Either it would be fake or she wouldn't smile at all.

"If you don't mind me asking, what happened, bellissima?" The man asked, gently putting an arm around her.

There was a long pause.

"My, my ma, she-she was killed, I found out a few-few moments ago." Ivory said, tears rushing from her eyes as she stared at the setting sun.

The man didn't say anything, but by looking at his handsome face Ivory could tell he felt sorry.

They both stared off into the sun, not saying a word.

"I used to come here with my brother. He and I would laugh for hours, and get scolded by our mother for coming home late." He said, eyes still locked onto the horizon.

Ivory smiled, turning to face him, "Where's your brother now?" She asked.

"Dead. He, my father and younger brother were hung by that Uberto and his idiot guards. He betrayed me and my family. I couldn't stop him, his guards were too powerful." His voice was breaking and softening while talking. Ivory could almost see a tear fall. His eyes had a look for hatred, fear, and revenge.

"I'm sorry, signore. All my condolences." Ivory said, as her head involuntarily landed on the mans shoulder.

She felt his head on hers.

They both said nothing, as they embraced and found comfort in each other.

"Who are you, handsome man?" Ivory asked after a minute.

"Ezio Auditore. And what may I call you?"

"Ivory Vidone."

They both fell asleep in each others arms, and Ivory could make out a small whisper from Ezio.

"Goodnight, Ivory."


a/n: sry about the shortness of this one, more of a small scene. could've put more detail. 



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