one-shot #3. ezio.

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fyi: this one is definitely gonna have more than at least 2 chpts, and is pretty long. the next chpt is going to be the part 2 of this, its a wip currently. 


"Mother?" Ivory called out, expecting to hear her sweet voice return back to her.

No answer.

Ivory, now slightly frowning, made her way to where she had last seen her mother, in the library. She extended her hand out to open the slightly ajar door, when she heard a muffled conversation. Now peaked with curiosity, she put her ear to the door, attempting to eavesdrop their discussion.

'No you can't get to her, you rat!'

Ivory's heart dropped.

"You will die a slow painful death, Vidone, you and your filthy family will die in the hands of us Temp-"

She didn't care what she heard next, Ivory already opened the door, exposing herself to her mother and the unknown person. In front of her was a man, covering his identity with a hood. In his hand he held a dagger, pointing in at her mother. A small gasp left Ivory's lips.

"Ivory run away from here, run far and do not come back, I have no time to explain, and take your dagger. I love you." Scarlet, Ivory's mother cried.

"Mother! What is going on? I don't understa-"

"Please, this is for your own safety, leave"

Ivory took a moment; certainly her last; to look at the beauty of her mother. Scarlet had bags underneath her eyes, yet beauty has never failed her. Her eyes still having that determined, fire in them. Tears threatened Ivory's eyes, as she gave her mother one last glance, and took off the opposite direction.

"Guards, get her!" She heard behind her from that monster next to her mother.

She swung open the front door, and ran off into the night, finding herself at the entrance of Firenze. The guards were far behind her, so she turned around and stared at the beauty of her home. Everything happened here, this was no doubt Ivory's home, yet here she was, leaving her hometown for who knows how long without a proper goodbye. Ivory spun around and grabbed a horse's reigns, pulling herself on and took off into somewhere, hoping to find a decent home for the time-being.


Time-skip: 2-3 months. Location: Venezia

Scouting the streets of Venezia, Ivory walked, head covered by her hood and facing down. Her mind was in a different place, drifting off into nothingness as Ivory made her way to her make-shift home.

Her mind tried to recollect the man in her home. She had barely seen the man's face, and his features were fading from her mind. Ivory pulled out a sketchbook from her shelf and began to flip to a page. She pulled out her pencil and began to try to draw him from her mind. Her mind shifted to the scene, Ivory hated to think of it, but she had to know who that man was. She distinctively remembered a round face and a grey beard. Ivory messily drew what she remembered, mind completely focused on what was in front of her. She heard a knock at the door and immediately flinched. Ivory was not used to having visitors, especially during the night. She walked over to the front door, slightly opening it to see her visitor. She saw her god-mother, aunt Contessa. Wasting no tine she swung open the door and wrapped herself around her god-mother.

"Oh my god Ivory, you look a spitting image of your mother, it has been too long!" Contessa said, gently pulling herself away.

"Aunt Contessa! I see you have received my letter!" Ivory said, smiling genuinely in a while.

"Of course! And sorry for the terrible timing, the girls would not let me sleep."

"Hahaha, how are they by the way?" Ivory asked, knowing Contessa was an elder at the brothel.

"Oh they are such a pain in the back," she said while rolling her eyes playfully. "How is my dear Scarlet?"

Ivory's eyes darkened. She hadn't thought about her mother in a while--at least hadn't tried to. If she ever had a decent conversation with anyone, she never brought up her mother, but in this case she felt 'Tessa needed to know.

Ivory looked straight at her god-mother's eyes, and a tear fell from her eyes. "I don't know. That is why I needed to speak with you.." Ivory's eyes glided towards her couch, and nodded towards 'Tessa to sit down. Contessa sat down, and had a puzzled expression on her features. Something about it seemed fake.

"I was greeting my mother when I happened to listen in on a, a conversation with an unknown man. They were talking about something--I don't remember, but the man threated to kill our family and then mother told me to run far away from--" Ivory was sobbing by now, her voice breaking. Her head fell into her hands, as she felt Contessa's hand on her back.

"It's okay, my dear. I'm sure your mother will be fine. She is very dear to the both of us, and I believe she is alive and well." Contessa spoke in her soft, soothing voice, bringing great comfort to Ivory.

"I hope so," Ivory laughed through her cries, attempting to lighten up the mood.

"If you don't mind, I would like you to join me at the brothel, I do not want my little one all by herself." Contessa smiled warmly at Ivory, as she got off the couch and held her hand out.

"I don't mind. I don't mind at all, Zia."


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