one-shot #1. altair.

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Ivory found herself pondering through the city's busiest streets, the market place.

Her shoulders were getting pushed and shoved, she was surprised they weren't aching already. She kept a keen eye on the citizens in front of her, scanning for a new target. Until her eyes landed on swift white robes among the colorful people. Her eyes locked onto him, as she found her new target. He wouldn't be able to notice her following him just yet, but if he gets out of the crowd, things might get complicated. As Ivory got closer, she noticed weapons on him. A sword, a dagger, and knives. He was definitely armed--and if Ivory fails this--things might take a turn for the worst.

Ivory gulped the unknown lump in her throat and mentally prepared herself. She was only a few feet behind him, all she needed to do was to reach out and grab his pouch.

It sounds much easier than it was.

She moved her arm and made a grab for his pouch. She walked back slowly, watching to see if she provoked him. He didn't look back. She shuffled away, sighing out of relief, until she heard yelling and a groan towards her direction.

Ivory gasped mentally but wasted no time. She shoved past the citizens and ran to a ladder, it was much easier than navigating through the people. Her hand reached for the ledge and hoisted herself onto it. No matter how far she got, the man was still hot on her heels. Who was this guy? She really picked the wrong target. As much as Ivory hated to admit it, he was really good at chasing, and the only left option was to face him.

She slowed her pace, and so did he. After a pause, she turned to face him, caught off guard with his handsome features. His eyes bored into hers as he opened his mouth to speak.

"Hand me the pouch, and I won't need to harm you, seeing you are a woman." His voice quieted down at the end.

"You're going to have to come get it yourself," She was now much closer than before, which allowed her to observe her target. On his sword was a small insignia; the Creed. This man was an assassin. "Assassin." she finished with her hand tightly wrapped around her dagger.

The man, taken aback from her observation, stood stiffer and repeated, "I do not want to harm-" he looked at her for a second, "a citizen. So either we fight and I win, or you hand me the pouch and we leave in peace"

There was absolutely no way Ivory was going to hand over that pouch. In fact, Ivory was now excited then ever to fight this man. He was someone who was actually her level, and she might have a decent fight.

"Oh, so we're now assuming who's going to win, are we? Listen here, assassin, if you want your money back, please, take it from me. If, you can get it, of course." She snapped. Ivory let her ego take control of her. There was doubt, however, if this assassin was better than her, which will most likely be true due to the weapons, possible training and luxuries in being one. But of course, Ivory had made sure to sharpen her dagger once in a while, and she knows a few tricks herself.

The assassin wore a look of irritation, pulling out his sword and stood in a stance. Ivory smiled, knowing she had been wanting this for years. And it looks like she deserves it.

She pulled out her dagger and swung it above her head, like she had learned to. She made the first move, aiming at his chest, but was quickly blocked and attacked herself. Ivory barely dodged a hit to her side, and spun around to attempt at striking his leg, to her disappointment, he had stepped back. He raised his sword at her, but she deflected it with her dagger, sword nearly cutting her fingers off. She tried a counter, but he had dodged and kicked her to the ground. He was definitely a master assassin of some sort, since his skills were beyond amazing. The way he moved, every step he took was so light and looked so effortless, and his expression stayed the same the entire time; a straight, irritated look. Ivory had been too close to dying, and his attacks were getting faster and smarter. While she was deflecting, she noticed the vulnerability to his left torso, and she took this as an opportunity to attack. Unfortunately, he anticipated her moves, and had her pinned down in a blur. His grip on her wrists were tight, and a boost of adrenaline rushed through Ivory. She pushed her legs to his as hard as she could, causing him to loosen his grip. She took this as a chance to pull her hands out and kick him back.

He stumbled back, and Ivory stood up, staring at him as he came to her level. It seems no one has won or lost. They stared at each other, eye to eye, until Ivory forced her eyes away. There was tension filling the air.

"Where did you learn how to fight like that?" The assassins asked, in his usual monotone voice, breaking the silence.

"I trained myself till I physically and mentally couldn't do anything." Ivory replied, running a hand through her hair.

She tossed him the pouch, knowing in the end, she only needed that fight.

She started to walk away, when she heard the man call out,

"What may I remember you as?"

"Ivory, Ivory Vidone. You?"

"Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad"

Ivory nodded in greeting, and ran off into the horizon.

Altaïr stood there, baffled, staring at the pouch filled with worthless pebbles, and flicked his eyes to where Ivory had ran off to.

Maybe she needed the money as well, after all, she had most certainly earned them.


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