"Ok... ok... Oh- Ok, thank you"


"YOU PASSED, second to highest mark!"

Zayn got up and hugged his mama tightly, she smiled hugging him back with tears welling up in her eyes, she rubbed up and down Zayn's back while he changed 'I did it mama I did it' over and over again

She opened her eyes just in time for Liam and Yaser to hug Zayn tightly

Liam punched Zayn's shoulder and Zayn turned to him and nodded "This needs a celebration, my best friend is smart!"

Zayn shook his head "No, I just want to sleep"

Liam blinked and scrunched his nose "ew, boring weirdo" Liam mumbled then hugged Zayn "Can we cuddle?" Liam whispered into Zayn's ear

Zayn raised an eyebrow "I thought that was boring"

Liam gave him a look and Zayn smiled then nodded "of course we can" Zayn whispered and Liam blushed hiding his face in Zayn's shoulder

None of them noticing the parents who left the room


"Can we all collectively agree on something?" Niall said and the others turned towards him, he pointed at Liam who was running around with a box of nuggets and Zayn walking behind him "behind every Hufflepuff is a Slytherin" 

"Agree" Dylan sighed "none of us got the call?"

"I did..." Harry muttered "I didn't do too well in physics"

"Why did you take physics anyways? You never liked the subject"

Harry sighed "i needed to take 2 science subjects, I didn't want bio because I knew how hard it'll be, so I took chemistry and physics"

"You'll drop it next year though, right?"

Harry nodded "I just need it for 1 year, next year I'll drop I'll just say I'll use my credits for this year"

Niall nodded "I'll go call the other 2 over, I'm worried they'll fall face first"

"No don't... they're happy, let them be that way"


Zayn was doing something on his laptop when his mama opened the door

"Zayn?" Zayn hummed without looking up "Zayn!"


"Someone's here for you"

Zayn looked up and nodded "who?"

His mama nodded down and Zayn looked down beside her feet and he smiled, he patted his bed and Bucky ran up towards him. Zayn pulled the puppy on his bed and looked at his mum

"Where's Liam?"

"He went out with his parents" Zayn said kissing the puppy's head

"Well... I'm going out with your baba ok?"

Zayn nodded "ok, take care!"

"You too!"


Liam shuffled into Zayn's bedroom and smiled tiredly "move over"

Zayn moved over and pulled Bucky closed and patted his bed "Don't crush the baby pup"

Liam laid down on Zayn's bed and pouted "I thought I was your pup..."

"You are" Zayn mutter

Liam smiled "good"

"Where did you go yesterday?"

"The mall, my parents wanted to get baby stuff and I wanted to be there"

"They'll be as close as you and I" Zayn said putting Bucky down and on a bed he has beside Zayn's bed and pulled Liam closer

"No, we'll be closer" Liam smiled snuggling into Zayn's neck "we've been friends for almost 14 years... you think anyone would ever have a friendship as strong as ours?"

Zayn shrugs "Anything can happen, the 2 will basically grow up together."

"True" Liam muttered, he looked up at Zayn and smiled "I hope they're as close as you and I" Zayn looked at Liam and smiled

"Yeah... me too" Zayn whispered

Liam yawned and snuggled into Zayn's neck "now shush, I wanna sleep"

Zayn chuckled and nodded "night pup..."

They heard a quiet bark from the puppy bed and Liam pouted as Zayn laughed "he meant me buck!"

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