Child Alternative Ending

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Suggested by @Alex_2151

Your kid runs through the wall.

Hermione quickly grabs your hand and pulls you through the wall as well.

They look up at you, "look at the train!"

"Yes that is what a train looks like."

Hermione smacks your arm, "isn't it pretty cool?"

"Can I go see Harry?"

"Of course." Hermione replies.

You and Hermione had adopted the kid when they were 2. You didn't know how to take care of a child, you still don't, actually.

Luna had been made godmother.

Your brother walks towards you, "sister."

You snort, "what the hell happened to you? You look terrible."

His eyes narrow, a little boy runs up to him. "Dad can I get on the train now?"

"Of course Scorpius."

"Your kid seems ga-"

Hermione slaps your arm again, "cute. Your son is cute."

"Sure." You reply.

You look over to see Weasley, who looks terrible as well, you lean to Hermione. "Aren't you glad I saved you from ending up with that."

She laughs and tries to cover it. "Shut up."

"Just saying."

Your kid was with Harry right now, along with his children.

"Do you want to go say hi to Harry?" You ask her, pointing towards him.

Hermione simply smiles and takes your hand.

"I'll take that as a yes." You say. You both walk over to him.

"Hey Ginny." You pull her in for a hug, letting go of Hermione's hand.

"Hi Y/n. Your child is adorable."

"Yes I know. They have my genes."

"That's not possible- you know what? Never mind. Yes totally has your genes." Hermione says, finally giving up.


Your kid runs up to Hermione, "bye mom! I'm going on the train now." They hug her, barely reaching her waist, they're short.

They let go of her and turn to hug you instead, "bye mom!" You hug them back as best you can with how short they are.

They run off the the train, turning to wave goodbye before they get on it.

"I'm going to go too." One of Harry's kids, *insert a name that isn't garbage*, "bye mom and dad."

"You know what would be funny?" You ask, "if Scorpius and *insert different name for Albus unless you like Albus in which case I don't trust you* became friends or started dating."

"Who's Scorpius?" Harry asks.

"Malfoy's son."

"I thought your child was *insert name*?"

"Not me. I'm a Granger now. My brother."


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