Deatheater Alternative Ending

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Suggestion by @LKypss

Hermione groans as she sits down next to you. You had been married for three years now.

You raise an eyebrow, "what's wrong?"

"Apparently." She sighs and puts her heads in her hands before looking back up at you, "apparently there's still a way to bring you-know-who back."

"Really?" You ask, faking surprise. You already knew. Of course you did. You were in on it.

"Yeah." She groans again, "and some of his old followers are trying to do it. We just need to catch them." She pauses, "luckily we have an inside source."

"Really? Who is it?"

Hermione frowns, "I can't tell you it's confidential."

"Well ouch." You force a laugh.

She rolls her eyes, "I trust you, but for all we know someone could be listening."

"Fair enough." You reply.


You report the information to your leader the following day.


Seven months later- the 'good guys' had found out everything and had stopped you and the others from finishing what you started.

You're pulled into the room as someone else is pulled out. A more insane follower.


Everyone ignores the guy, and you take a seat in the chair.

"Y/n Granger." Hermione says, she clears her throat, clearly uncomfortable.

You had ended up taking her last name after all.

"That's my name." You reply.

She glared, "you're charged with using illegal magic, trying to restart a war that had been ended, and conspiracy against the Ministry of Magic." Hermione pauses and sets down the papers, "along with the use of the three unforgivable curses on multiple occasions. How do you plead?"


"That settles that." She says, "Unfortunately, despite you admitting you're guilty, that does not take away from your punishment. You're charged with a life sentence in Azkaban."

Most people are surprised by the punishment given by your own wife.

Or, you suppose, your ex wife. You had a divorce.

"Love you too." You reply sarcastically.

She doesn't reply, "take her."

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