(Skit) A First Kiss

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A First Kiss, Well Kinda

*not apart of the story I'm just bored - pretend the last chapter did not happen*

Warning: it sucks cause I'm bored but don't wanna do effort

You walk down the hallways, it had taken you forever to find Hermione. Thankfully, she wasn't with Weasley.

"Granger!" You yell.

She turns around, "what?"

"You weren't at the party?"

"Yes I was...? I gotta go find someone. But what do you mean-"

"Wait." You cut her off.

She looks confused, "Yes?"

"I uh- I just." You react before thinking, grabbing her face and kissing her.

She doesn't kiss back.

When you pull away, she's frozen in shock. She quickly turns around and runs off.

*insert time skip of the next day*

"Hello class, today-" Jasula starts to talk. Hermione is sitting next to you, acting like nothing happened.

Maybe I should do the same.

"So the assignment-" you cut her off.

"About what happened yesterday, I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable."

"You mean when we danced?"

"When- no when I kissed you."

She stares at you, surprised. "When you what, now?"

"When I kissed you..."

"You didn't kiss me."

"You kissed me." Says a different voice. Oh no.

You turn to see Ron Weasley, glaring at you.

"You kissed Ron!?" Hermione shouts in surprise. This draws attention.

"Yes she did."

Multiple students are laughing.

"It's not my fault you took a poly juice potion."

"I didn't take a poly juice potion!"

"You didn't?"


Was I that drunk?

"Ah shi-"

"Future Mrs. Malfoy?" || Hermione x Reader || COMPLETEDOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora