You Rejected Me

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You Rejected Me, so Yeah I'm Going to be "Butthurt" and "Petty"

So yeah you had been ignoring Hermione since the whole incident.

She hadn't tried to talk to you either, though.

You sit down in the class, Flitwick walks to the front. He starts to talk about some type of spell, you don't pay attention.

I thought she liked me. Things were going well. But nooo, she doesn't. And now she's not even apologizing. You scoff and lay your head in your hands.

"What's wrong with you?" Pansy whispers, leaning towards you.

"Nothing." You mutter in response.

She rolls her eyes, "yeah and I'm fucking blind."

"You must be." You agree.

She likes your side, "seriously."

"Your voice is annoying. Shut up."

"Wow. I feel attacked."


Pansy rolls her eyes, but stops talking.

You look over towards Hermione, who is probably the only one paying attention.

She looks away from him to look at you, you lock eyes.

You look away.

"So that's what's wrong." Pansy says, laughing quietly. "Merlin never thought a Malfoy would fancy a muggle born."

You notice how she doesn't say mudblood, most likely to not offend you.

"I don't." You reply, "why would I ever fancy someone with dirty blood."

Your brother nudges you, you turn to see him grinning. "Now there's the sister I actually can stand."

"Now there's the brother-" you stop, "oh wait I can never stand you."

He glares and takes a bite of an apple. You have no idea where he gets them, but the crunch is annoying. You snatch it out of his hand and throw it across the room. It hits Ron Weasley in the face.

Your eyes widen as he slowly turns towards your outstretched hand and Draco's open mouth, still filled with apple.

Several students start to quietly laugh.

Flitwick stops talking and turns towards Ron and then you and your brother. By now most look amused. Even Harry and Hermione.

"Please do not cause such a ruckus." Is all he says before continuing the lesson.

Hermione meets your gaze again, her hand is covering her mouth and she looks like she's trying not to laugh. She gives you a large grin, uncovering her mouth, and a thumbs up. Ron smacks her arm. You look away, crossing your arms.

Out of the corner of your gaze you can see her frown at your reaction.


Hermione jogs up to you, "hey." She says, clearly slightly out of breath. "We have to hang out today, an hour. Jasula moved it up again. I saw you missed class, so-"

You quicken your pace to walk away.

"Where are you going?" She yells after you.

You turn around, walking backwards now. She had stopped walking, "Well sorry, but I don't want to force you to be near me any longer then needed."

You turn back around.


It's about two weeks later now, you had been completely ignoring Hermione. She would try to talk to you multiple times for the class, you would walk away.

A books slams on the table in front of you. You're in the library with Blaise trying to study.

It's Hermione. Of course it is. She's glaring.

"If we don't do the hour, we'll both fail."

You guys had both gotten zeros last week and the week before, having spent no time together. It's not about three days into the third week.

"Failing could be a good thing for you, maybe it'll knock down your obnoxiousness by a few levels, though that's pretty hard."

"I'd say I need to knock down your ego, but it seems I already did."

You stand up, quite upset now. "How about we try something we used to do very well. Completely and utterly ignoring each other's existence."

"I cannot fail a class."

"I don't care."

"Well maybe you should start caring."

"I did. And then you knocked down my ego."

"If I could just-" Blaise is ignored.

"That's not my fault. You should've asked first, then we wouldn't be in this situation." Hermione walks closer to you.

"Are you blaming me?"

"It's your fault."

"No it's not!"

"Yes it is!"


"SHHHHH!" Madam Pince says, her spit flying everywhere.

You wince are that, Hermione doesn't seem to like it either. She's in front of the table.

Blaise gets it worse, the spit flying all over him.

He's frozen, his eyes squeezed shut and his lips clasped together tightly, sucked in.

You snort and he brings up his middle finger.

Madam Pince hits him with a book. "If you aren't quiet, you'll have to leave."

Blaise wipes off his face, "I will gladly leave." He replies.

"And I'll join you."

You hear Hermione storm after you and Blaise. She grabs your arm and turns you around.

Blaise sighs, "I'm not listening to another argument." He leaves.

"What?" You snap at her.

"If I fail this class because of you-"

"I'm not going to spend time with you because of a class, Granger."

"I'll tell Jasula that you-"

"Tell her whatever you want, I don't care."

"Well I do. And-"

"Jasula isn't going to make-"

"I will not-"

You continue to speak over each other, not actually completely hearing the others argument.

"If I-"

"You're being so-"

"It's not my-"

"You shouldn't-"

"I can't-"

She abruptly grabs your shirt and pulls your towards her. Looking seriously pissed off the entire time.

Now do I listen to my pride, or the feeling telling me to kiss her back?

You choose to kiss her back.

Ignoring idea by @ThatGirl201004
Fight idea by @Closeted_dWEEB_437

And if this story ends with a sad ending I blame it on @Hermione_Lxtte because I'm petty. Love you random stranger <3 :)

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