*Insert a Chapter Title*

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*insert a chapter title cause I can't think of one*

Shopping wasn't as terrible as you had thought it would be. You found an outfit, a suit specifically. Pansy had insisted on a dress, you had ignored her.

Pansy had dragged you back to the dormitories afterwards. She had forced you to get dressed.

It's 7:40, you're a bit late for the dance.

She pushes you in front of the mirror. Your suit is black. The slacks aren't a tight fit, but also not super loose. They're in the middle, leaning towards tight. Pansy had insisted you don't wear anything under the blazer, claiming that doing that is more attractive then wear a shirt.

So underneath the blazer was nothing, the curve of your boobs show, but nothing more. You had set an enchantment on it to not show too much. Pansy reaches towards you and buttons the single button on the blazer.

She had done your hair earlier, you had convinced her to not go over on it. Your hair is down, simply flattened, nothing really special done to it.

You had managed to convince her to not use makeup on you. She had agreed with difficulty and a lot of complaining.

Pansy is in a red dress. It's crimson red. It has long sleeves and a slit in the front. It reaches to her ankles and has a loose skirt. She had put her hair in a pony tail, strands of hair fell around to frame her face. She had done a full face of makeup.

"Let's go. We have to find our dates." Pansy locks her arm with yours. You and her had been friends for years now, though it was more of a toxic friendship and you have always found her very annoying. Especially with her crush on your brother.

Dates. Neither you or Hermione had formally asked each other, though most 'soulmates' had. Blaise had asked Pansy yesterday and she had agreed, probably because she didn't have a choice.

You walk down the stairs with her. Multiple students are sitting in the common room, waiting for their dates. Your brother scoffs at you and Pansy, you flip him off. He stands up, most likely to try to attack you, but another student pulls him back.

Blaise sends you a grin and you let go of Pansy. She walks over to him and he offers his arm. She sighs but takes it and they walk out the door.

You follow them, having to find your own date. They turn a corner, you stop yourself from following them as you see Potter, Ginny, Weasley, and Brown.

Of course you despise Weasley, he's quite obnoxious. Potter you don't care for, he exists, you exist. That's the end of it.

You walk up to them. Weasley glares as he sees you. Potter just stares at you, not in the 'oh she's so pretty' type of way, more of the 'what is she doing' type of way.

You stop in front of them, "where's Granger?"

"None of your business!" Weasley says harshly in response.

"Seeing as she's my date, I'd say it is my business."

"She said she was going to wait for you outside the Great Hall." Potter offers.

Weasley starts complaining immediately, "Harry! Why would you tell her that!?"

"Because Hermione told me that if we see her that I need to tell her where she is."

"Thank you, Potter. Why aren't you both at the dance yet?"

"We're waiting for Ginny and Lavender." He explains.

"Harry!" Weasley complains again.

Brown is simply annoying, in your opinion. Though you occasionally feel bad for her unrequited love to Weasley. You do like Ginny, she's fine, though she's definitely into Luna, probably more into her then she is into Potter actually.

You give Potter a small wave goodbye, he returns it. You walk away towards the Great Hall, where the dance is being held.

Hermione is indeed standing in front of the door. Her dress is navy blue at the top, fading to a cream white at the bottom. The skirt and the sleeves are lace, under the skirt is most likely a solid fabric. The sleeves hang on the side of her arms instead of her shoulders. The top is solid as well, there's open triangles in the dress, showing skin, on either side of the top.

Her hair is tamed and in curls and she's wearing light makeup.

You take a deep breath before walking up to her. Not because you're nervous, of course not. But because- uhm. It doesn't matter why. "Hello Granger."

She turns to you, promptly lifting her head in confidence, "hello Malfoy." It takes a minute for her to study you, her cheeks slowly turn light pink, "what are you wearing."

"A t-shirt." You say sarcastically, "what does it look like?"

She scoffs, "I can see you're wearing a suit! Why aren't you wear a shirt under it!?"

You shrug, "don't really see the point to one."

She rolls her eyes, "whatever. Let's go inside." She walks to the entrance, you follow her.

Flitwick looks up at you both, "names?"

"Hermione Granger and Y/n Malfoy." Hermione says.

"Ah yes, you were both put together during the spell ceremony." He checks something off, "go on inside."

Hermione hurries inside and you follow her.

The grand hall is decorated somewhat like it had been for the Yule Ball. Except without the Christmas look.

Crystals decorate the room. On either side of the room are tables where some students sit. On the left is a table of food and drinks. In the middle is a dance floor. At the far end, opposite of the door, is where the teachers sit, just like where they would if it were dinner.

"You were late, by the way." Hermione mentions. "I was waiting for 20 minutes."

"Yeah well I don't think it matters, let's just get this over with."

She crosses her arms in response, "you're my date, but-"

You cut her off, "but we don't have to stay near each other the entire time?"

"Precisely." She replies, "so we're able to completely avoid and ignore each other."

"No you aren't." Says a sweet voice. Luna.

"Hi Luna." You and Hermione speak at the same time.

Luna smiles, "hello." Longbottom is next to her, looking awkward and flustered.

"Jasula said that we must spend majority of the night with our dates." Longbottom mutters, "a-and you two haven't been here for part of the night, so about 15 minutes have already passed since she said it."

Longbottom had gotten a bit more confident since the war, which was surprising, but whatever. Personally you really don't care what he does or how he feels.

Luna smiles, "yes." She lightly pats your shoulder before walking off, heading towards the food and drinks. Longbottom quickly stumbles behind her.

"Looks like we're stuck together." You say to Hermione, ignoring the slight excitement you feel at that.

She nods, "looks like."

You both stand there, awkwardly for about five minutes.

"Hey 'Mione." Potter says as he walks over. Ginny walks next to him, "you two look like you're having fun."

"Tons of it." You agree.

Hermione glares at them both. "Harry stop." She warns.

"Okay but you both look so uncomfortable." Ginny states, moving a bit closer.

"We're supposed to stay together the entire dance apparently." You say. "All partners are supposed to."

"So that's why you're both so excited." Harry replies.

"Harry-!" Hermione is cut off by Ginny.

"We're going to go get food." She pulls him away towards where Luna and Neville are.

More awkward minutes of silence.

"Do you want to dance?" You ask finally.

"Yes! I mean sure. Yeah. Uhm. Sounds fine."

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