Needless to say, I was in a state of confusion as the Ranger led me deeper into the unwelcoming woods. I remained silent, not wishing to encourage his mad accusations. We walked (I refuse to call it hiking, since my hands were bound and my understanding of hiking requires freedom of the limbs) toward the foothills of some higher peaks until we reached what appeared to be a mound of enormous boulders. Between two of the larger monoliths, a veil of ivy touched the ground. I paused and he roughly pushed me forward. I stumbled through the green curtain and found myself, well, somewhere else.

It was at this point I seriously considered the possibility that I was still passed out, face down in the clearing, having accidentally consumed those tiny mushrooms and now in the thralls of an epic hallucination, for suddenly I found myself in a village comprised of stone cottages with thatched moss covered roofs occupied by a bizarre array of creatures better suited to Disney erotica or a horror movie directed by a crazed lunatic recently off his meds. Curious red and yellow eyes peered at us from the darkened interiors of the homes, while hundreds of naked little humanoids with transparent wings flitted around our heads like a swarm of horny mosquitoes.

"Annoying creatures," the Ranger noted, "they'll mate anywhere at anytime, it's a disgrace."

I was about to answer when a large form emerged from behind one of the cottages and approached us. I stepped back in fright, but the Ranger restrained me.

"That's Grimkee, the Troll King's daughter. I guess she's the Troll Queen now that you've killed her father."

"I didn't kill anyone," I insisted.

Grimkee approached to within a few feet of me. She stood over seven feet tall with a vaguely female form, clad in silver armor. Her head resembled that of a toad, but with gleaming sharp nasty teeth that protruded from her mouth. I suppose she may have been attractive for a troll, but I am a somewhat shallow person and did not find her physically appealing at all.

She simply glared at me for a moment before her features transformed into what could possibly be called a smile. She did not speak and the Ranger pushed me past her.

"Flirting will do you no good, we must get you to the trial," he said.

"Trial? That was fast," I noted.

"Time works differently here, and we do not waste it."

I was led to a large wooden hall on the outskirts of the village

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I was led to a large wooden hall on the outskirts of the village. When we entered, I was quite surprised to see that the interior looked like the set of every courtroom drama I have ever watched. The room was packed with all manner of humanish beings, from the pesky fuck-fairies, to trolls, to things I had only imagined in my wildest drunk deliriums. The only human I saw, other than the Ranger, was seated at the defense table where my captor deposited me.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 02, 2021 ⏰

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