Good night, my dear~

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"your magic is impressive each and every time" Viego said.
"Thank you.. I had a lot of time to train tho so I guess anything else would be a disappointment"
"Not to me."
She thought she would just sit next to his bed for the night until he invited her to lay next to him. His voice so sounded calm..
"I initially wanted to pay the sentinels a visit tomorrow.."
-a few seconds of silence-
"I don't think I will. I'll have to think about if i am doing the right thing.." ..if it was he right thing, he thought
"How I'm going to do it"
"Okay I.. I guess"
"Did I just hear a bit of concern dear?~" he said teasingly with a smirk on his face
"Honestly just sh- I.. I'm sorry" Morgana answered, obviously a little embarrassed. Luckily she faced away from him so he wasn't able to see how her cheeks started to turn a little bit red. Where was her confidence? And why was she embarrassed because of some guy teasing her. She was concerned but why did he notice?
"Stop talking to me like you would to a king. We are friends, you're not my servant."
-Another moment of silence-
"We are friends.. are we?"
"I.. I think so.. to be honest I didn't really have any friends.. every time someone was important to me they.. died after what felt like a moment so I stopped letting people near me.. by sides I had to move every couple of years and start a new life. I don't really remember what friendship is to be honest.."
"The only person I ever talked to because we got along was Isolde.."
"So we both don't know what real friendship is like.."
"Do you want to find out?"
"I think I do"
Viego turned towards her and hugged her. Morgana could feel his warm breath caressing the soft skin of her neck as he whispered: "let's find out together. I won't leave like most other people would.. I promise~"
A moment of silence followed. Morgana grabbed Viego's arm that was wrapped around her and held his hand as a tear slowly ran down her cheek. Enjoying the feeling of safety they both fell into a deep slumber.

The next morning Viego woke up with a literal sleeping beauty in his arms. The bit of light that shined through the window made her hair shine in a soft violet as he was watching her sleep for a while. He didn't want to get up yet- he wanted her to wake up next to him and he wanted to protect her. Even though he didn't really understand why he decided to make sure she's safe.

Time went by and this became something like their daily ritual. Morgana slept basically ever night next to the king except when he went on some of those weird trips where he'd be gone for a few days to fight the so called sentinels of light. Viego decided that Morgana would be his substitute since he trusted her more than for example the commanders of his army. Whenever he had time tho he would go on short trips with Morgana. They often went to a beautiful mountain in camavor that was high enough for the black mist to not be able to reach it. The view of the beautiful sky in camavor was something both of them really enjoyed. Whenever Viego's somewhat tight schedule allowed it they would watch the sunset. He really appreciated the strong bond of friendship they had and how he could trust her.. how she made him forget his duties as a king and just be a human instead. Morgana helped him a lot and she really tried her best to be what she was actually there for. The passion she had for her new job probably wasn't caused by the things she was doing but by the person she was doing it for. Never the less she did a great job

The beautiful summer sky on the mountain that was as bright of a blue you could barely distinct it from the fluffy white clouds started to show hints of a warm purple and darken a little bit. As Viego was staring off into the lovely sunset they were about to witness Morgana was turning the typical camavorian flowers into a cute flower crown. Every moment they spend together she's even more thankful she didn't just walk by the weird guy she met in the middle of the night at an unpopulated hill who was acting absolutely crazy. She's thankful for the fact he was there for her when she was bitten by that creature of the black mist, for that he decided to take that random woman with him, for each and every second he made her feel something she could only describe as the most intense friendship she ever had. Yet she felt.. sad.? disappointed.? whenever he mentioned Isolde. He cared more about a woman who had been dead for about a thousand years than about.. his friend. She didn't know what to label it.. was that what people called heartbreak? No.. that couldn't be since she only loved him as a friend.. did she? Her thoughts got interrupted by the sound of Viego's familiar Voice.

"Hey uhm.. I don't really.. know how to say this but.."
"I think I l- like the uhm.. the soft gras! Yea the gras! It's so nice and soft you should really try laying down!!"
"Okay if you say so my king" she said with a teasing tone to her lovely Voice

A moment later Morgana laid down next to Viego. She placed the flower crown on his head and adjusted his hair a little. Seeing that sweet and genuine smile of Viego's made her smile as well. He didn't smile often since he had to act like a the scary king he after all was but when he did it instantly made her chest feel warmer. They were laying in the gras next to each other, watching the sun go down.

"You look beautiful today, dear~" he said, sounding a lot calmer than before as he stroke her hair out of her face. He often said some things like that, just to see Morgana blush.. or at least she thought so..
"Thank you~ you do as well~" The following silence felt -to their both suprise- not even slightly awkward.. more.. romantic?

It was hard for Morgana to break that enjoyable moment of silence but after a few seconds of hesitation she spoke in a soft tone:" Viego?" He turned his head from the sunset towards Morgana which was respond enough for her to continue talking "I know this might seem kind of random but can we maybe spend the night here? I want to sleep under the stars and-" "sure thing"

"Isolde once told me a legend about a dragon who's living up there in the infinity of space, have you heard it?" Even though the memory was one of the most bittersweet ones he had it wouldn't stop crossing his mind within the amazing moment they shared together, watching the stars on the cloudless night sky.
"Not really.. would you tell me?"

"Once up on a time there was a princess. She was lonely in her castle, staring out the windows and looking at those beautiful stars when one day she saw a creature forming out of a bunch of beautiful little lights on the horizon. Only a few moments later she could see a dragon floating towards her window. Impressed by the celestial being she opened the window and the dragon started talking to her. He talked about the stars, told her about how this beautiful world was created and all those other planets and civilisations rising and falling over the course of thousands of years. Fascinated by the world outside she wanted to get to know that unbelievably interesting being outside her window. The dragon decided to stay at the castle for some weeks, months maybe a few years. Unsure how much time went by one day a shady man caught wind of the celestial being in the castle being friends with the princess. Hungry for power he went to the castle and the princess denied him to take the dragon with him and she called him a foolish idiot thinking that he could claim whatever he wanted. Out of pure anger he attacked the princess and killed her. Immediately the dragon returned each and every atom of his beloved princesses killer's body back into the nothingness it once came from. Not being able to forgive himself the dragon wanted to leave the planet after her funeral. The king gave him an expensive and fancy crown for what the dragon had done for his daughter. Finally giving her the interesting friend she always needed. Tho feeling honoured and thankful for the wonderful time he was able to spend with these beings who called themselves humans he disappeared back into the endless night sky. It's said that he to this day appears whenever the kingdom is fighting a close battle the dragon appears to support them." Viego noticed that Morgana had decided to snuggle up close to him wrapping her legs around one of his, resting her head on his chest and laying her arm over his body which was laying flat on the soft gras. A comfy smile formed on Morgana's face as she slept. "Good night my dear~" he whispered. Viego hesitated but then kissed her forehead, leaned back down crossing his arms behind his head and fell into a deep slumber within a few minutes

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2021 ⏰

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The Ruined King and the Fallen (Viego x Morgana Fanfic) (League Of Legends)Where stories live. Discover now